Keep your eyes open!...


July 30, 2021  

(Rev 6:8) And behold a pale horse: and he that sat upon him, his name was Death. And hell followed him. And power was given to him over the four parts of the earth, to kill with sword, with famine and with death and with the beasts of the earth.

EDITORIAL: There’s More to Death Than Covid-19

NOQ REPORT: What Vaccines Say About the Precarious State of Our Freedom

STATEMENT: Catholic Medical Association Opposes Vaccine Mandates without Conscience and Religious Exemptions

: Statement in Support of the Right of All, Including Medical Workers, to Decline Medical Intervention

Due to the Joint Statement by various organizations that all “health care and long-term care employers” should impose a requirement to receive “the COVID-19 vaccine” on all their workers, the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) declares that all human beings have the right to liberty, which they do not forfeit when they serve the sick or the disabled. The ethical commitment to protect others does not require workers to surrender their bodily integrity and self-determination and accept “the” intervention dictated by a governmental or quasi-governmental authority.

As around half the population has received injections permitted under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), which by federal law cannot be coerced, variant strains of SARS-CoV-2 have been proliferating, and hospitalizations and deaths are increasing, not diminishing as one would expect in an effective vaccination campaign. Both vaccinated and unvaccinated persons are succumbing. Reports of post-injection death or long-term disability to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) are reaching unprecedented levels.

Medical interventions are rarely completely safe or effective, and risks and benefits differ in individual patients and differing circumstances. Achieving a premature stamp of approval from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)—premature because studies are not scheduled to be complete until the end of 2022—does not confer safety or effectiveness. FDA-approved products have frequently been withdrawn in the past.

The Joint Statement recognizes only a medical exemption, and omits mention of a religious exemption though many workers object to receiving these products based on their religious beliefs. Medical exemptions are virtually never recognized for the COVID vaccines, because there is improper denial that they cause harm to anyone.

Long-term effects of these novel, genetically engineered products cannot possibly be known at this point. These could include autoimmune disorders, antibody-enhanced disease, infertility, cancer, or birth defects.

Employers are obligated to protect their workers from foreseeable hazards, even from risks as low or lower than 1 in 10,000, and to compensate them if they suffer an injury. They are not permitted to impose risks that may well be that significant, especially without compensation. Benefit to the public does not justify sacrificing workers who do not willingly accept the risk. Moreover, the benefit to the public in this instance is purely hypothetical. Uninfected persons cannot transmit infection just because they are unvaccinated. Vaccinated persons can still infect others. Many medical workers already have natural immunity, and mandated shots impose risks without little or no benefit, yet there is no provision to exempt them.

AAPS favors insistence on fully informed, truly voluntary consent for all medical interventions. This includes full disclosure of all risks, and a diligent effort to identify and track risks. Otherwise, workers are being conscripted into a mass experiment, one which would not be approved by an Institutional Review Board on both ethical and scientific grounds: no consent; no disclosure of the experimenters’ conflicts of interest; no control group; no follow-up of subjects for COVID status, immune parameters, or adverse effects; no provision for medical care of the subjects; and no criteria for stopping the experiment if subjects are being harmed.

Instead of depending solely on experimental vaccines, medical institutions should be leading the way in innovative infection control such as ventilation and air purification; exemplary housekeeping to protect against all pathogens, including antibiotic-resistant bacteria; prophylactic and proactive early treatment, which is generally not being provided today; and immune system support including adequate vitamin D. Our medical organizations should be advocating for free and open discussion, and opposing censorship by governmental agencies, media, Big Tech, and corporate health care.

Without freedom, there is no safety for either workers or our patients. Liberty has overcome every crisis in the past, and if given a chance it would overcome this one, too.


Ascension Health latest health care system to require COVID-19 vaccines for employees
Department of Justice Declares COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates Legal
Op-Ed: Don’t exempt religious objectors from vaccine mandates

Thoughts and Sayings of Saint Margaret Mary: Peace- Trust- Abandonment

23. Rely entirely on God with perfect confidence in His goodness, which never forsakes those who, distrusting themselves, hope in Him.

July 28, 2021  

(Luk 18:7-8) And will not God revenge his elect who cry to him day and night? And will he have patience in their regard? I say to you that he will quickly revenge them. But yet the Son of man, when he cometh, shall he find, think you, faith on earth?

NCR: Benedict XVI Laments Lack of Faith Within Church Institutions in Germany

CATHOLICISM.ORG: Some Thoughts on ‘Traditionis Custodes’ and the Roman ‘Lex Credendi’

REGINA PROPHETARUM: The Traditional Latin Mass Perfectly Presents the Lex Orandi

As a re-capitulation of the life of Christ, what an astonishing expression is the Traditional Latin Mass of our Holy Faith… an accurate and perfect presentation of the Lex Orandi!! Know, then, faithful of God, this is indeed the Thing that is for our peace! Know also that this Mass is NOT a source of division but a revealer of divisions!! Here is the Visitation of Christ among us!! Let us, then, engage in the Mass, love the Mass, conform to the Mass, remember where we are at Mass… a place where we fulfill the Lord’s commandments… a place where Our Lord is lifted up … drawing us to Himself to become like Him… and not make Him become like us!!... a place where we can draw close to God who draws close to us. A place where we can lay down our life with the Lord such that no power on earth can overcome our faith, hope and charity. The more we conform to the Mass, the more Christian we become; The more we conform to the Life of Christ in the Mass, more Christ conquers in our life and through us, the whole world.

CATHOLIC WORLD REPORT: Overcoming the secular malaise that distorts our supernatural vision

“The sky did not fall when we didn’t attend weekly Mass,” commented someone to me about the suspension of the sacraments in the spring of 2020. We could still pray, follow the commandments, and love our neighbor, he continued. Not attending Mass did not change us for the worse.

So what is the big deal about attending at all?

This perspective betrays the damage that secularism has done to religious believers. By demanding that this world be the measure of all things, secularism forces the infinite, the supernatural, and the mysterious into the box of quantifiable measurement. Since we cannot assess directly the financial or societal impact of the Mass, this thinking goes, it has no impact. Moral Christianity—the commandments and the love of neighbor—can be quantified, so we can keep that around, just as the Enlightenment philosophes had desired in their war on faith. But the spiritual side of religion? We, and society, can function just fine without it, so let us leave it.

For decades Catholics have aggressively reacted against this secular worldview because of its deleterious effects on faith, particularly that of the young. And we must continue to fight it. As I detail in Steadfast in Faith: Catholicism and the Challenges of Secularism, faith, like a flower, grows healthy and strong in the proper environment: a religion-friendly culture where the majority go to church is the proper temperature; the sacraments are the food; convincing religious instruction is the water; and God’s grace is the sunlight.

So for faith, so for flowers: when one or more of these elements is lacking, the likelihood of healthy growth dramatically decreases. The precipitous slide in Catholic religious practice—to say nothing of moral lapses such as societal acceptance of fornication and cohabitation—is sobering proof of how secularity can choke faith like weeds surrounding a singular lily.

When we reduce the Mass, the greatest celebration this side of eternity, to a commodity that is supposed to have calculable value, we have lost our supernatural sight. How can we worship the invisible God and trust that His grace is working in our souls if our chief concern is “what do we get out of Mass?” In saying this, we put ourselves on the other side of St. Paul, who rightly ordered the supernatural before the natural: “Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth, for you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God” (Col 3:2-3). Only with this perspective can we see the infinite value of the Mass—and what we were missing without it.

If we are honest, for many of us there likely was no substantive difference in our lives, practically speaking, during the suspension of sacraments and then after it. We still tended to the normal features of human living—cooking, cleaning, working, parenting—and we likely did not feel any different doing those things without receiving the Eucharist than if we had. This is not because Mass and the Eucharist do not work. It is because they operate on a plane above the secular world.

Yet, at the same time, many of us also experienced a profound hunger, a longing to participate in Christ’s eternal sacrifice and then to unite with Him in holy communion. Upon our spiritual lives, our souls, our longings, the sky fell without Mass.

Though distinct from the secular world below, the spiritual plane above is not aloof: through the Mass, God’s grace swoops down to transform us from within. Only then, typically at a glacial pace, do we begin to perform our quotidian tasks with more charity, with more holiness, with more patience than we would have without God’s help. There is no formula to compute supernatural grace into natural output, but we know in faith that grace, in fact, perfects nature. Those whom we call saints are living testaments of this reality. But, devoid of faith, we may see the impressive deeds that saints perform without realizing the power source from which they spring.

Our reaction to the months without Mass is also a temperature gauge of our own faith. When St. Francesco Marto, one of the three children to whom the Blessed Mother appeared at Fatima, was confined to bed in illness, he told his cousin that not being able to visit the Blessed Sacrament was his greatest pain.

When St. Philip Neri was confined to bed, he waited impatiently for holy communion to be brought to him: “I have such a desire to see Jesus that I cannot have peace while I wait.” When St. Catherine of Genoa’s diocese was placed under interdict, depriving her of access to the sacraments, she exclaimed, “If I had to go miles and miles over burning coals in order to receive Jesus, I would say the way was easy, as if I were walking on a carpet of roses.”

We must not evaluate our spiritual lives by secular standards of material production. The goal of our lives is divine intimacy, which is spiritual bliss of an infinite magnitude. The fervor with which we desire this goal indicates how much the secular malaise distorts our vision of the things above.

Thoughts and Sayings of Saint Margaret Mary: Peace- Trust- Abandonment

22. Remain in peace, wholly given over and immolated to the Sacred Heart of our Lord Jesus Christ Who, I am sure, will never forsake you. He will take very special care of you, in proportion as you trust in Him, and abandon yourself with unswerving fidelity to Him, whenever there is a question of proving your love.

July 26, 2021  

(2Th 2:11-12) Therefore God shall send them the operation of error, to believe lying: That all may be judged who have not believed the truth but have consented to iniquity.

BLOG EXCERPT: Life Precious

So how can God positively send error, and secondly, what entitles Him to impose His idea of “Righteousness”?

Firstly, God is absolute Goodness because He is absolute Being, only a lack of being can be evil. It is absolutely impossible for God to cause directly moral evil. What He can do is cause it indirectly by not giving the grace or graces which would have prevented that moral evil from happening. In that case He is not acting positively, He is refraining from acting, or acting negatively, to allow the evil to happen. Those graces that would have prevented the evil, He is entirely free to give or not give, and if He always gave them, He would in effect be stopping human beings from exercising their free-will and from meriting for Heaven. But an unmerited Heaven could not have the quality of a merited Heaven, which is why we live in this “vale of tears” – God created us only for the best, even if it necessitated the “collateral damage” of a “vale of tears” in which a majority of all souls created would choose Hell (Mt. VII, 13–14).

Secondly, who made “true” true? Who made “false” false? And why is “true” “righteous”? And why is “false” “unrighteous”? Answer, God created the universe to be mankind’s home as an ordered whole out of many parts. God’s Order of our home is true (it corresponds to the mind of God), it is beautiful (city-dwellers still flock out of modern cities at weekends to enjoy the beauties of God’s Nature / Order) and it is good (that Order is real, being, in Nature, not just fabricated by my imagination). Therefore the Order of God is true, beautiful and good in all His Creation, and God created my soul out of nothing to give me a number of years of life sufficient for my free-will to choose either to recognise that goodness in His Creation and to love the Creator for giving me the chance to go to His Heaven for eternal bliss; or to refuse to recognise the goodness of the Creator in and behind His Creation, and in His utterly stupendous offer of eternal bliss in exchange for a few years of my observing His Order’s truth and righteousness. In brief, truth and righteousness are not arbitrary, but are based on what is, on my faith in its goodness, and on my submission to it.

EXCERPT CERVANTES: Jesus Christ assures us all: 'One never dies'

HEAVEN'S call for each one's conversion has so taken the tone of emergency that I frequently dwell upon, as has the Church over the centuries, a most important doctrine: the afterlife, that last part of the Credo declaring "life everlasting. Amen."

Faith that we continue to exist after death, in another plane determined by how we had lived as earthlings, should make anyone ponder whether the highest ambitions are in new cars, palatial homes, TikTok fame, political power, etc. Or even just plain providing abundantly for one's children so that past one's death, they'd also live on surrounded by what had been amassed, for them not only to savor and consume, but to use to gather some more in a chain of earthly pursuits whose meaning, however, is totally sundered in each family member who dies.

The need to believe in life after death being in my mind, I am sharing excerpts from the diary of Garabandal, Spain visionary Conchita Gonzalez, one of the four girls to whom the Blessed Mother appeared hundreds of times in the 1960s.

Conchita (C)- Will I go to heaven?

And He answered me:

Jesus (J) - You should love much and pray to Our Hearts.

C- When will You give me a Cross?

And He didn’t answer me.

J- What will I be? [This is another of Conchita’s worries—her destiny. That is, to discern the designs God has for her life. For a while now, she has been questioning whether she has a religious vocation, and she frequently asks the apparition about it, but—according to her own words—the Virgin has never responded in the affirmative. In the same way, during this locution, Our Lord keeps his silence when asked the question “What will I be?” Conchita has always received confirmation of her suffering and of the cross, wherever she is.] He didn’t answer me. He only told me that everywhere that I would be, I would have much to suffer.

I said to Him: C- Am I going to die soon?

And He told me:

J- You have to stay on earth to help the world. [This seems to be a clear announcement of a “concrete” vocation; it is a call to live in the world and not in a convent].

And I said to Him:

C- I am very small. I couldn’t help in anything.

And He told me:

J- With your prayers and sufferings, you will help the world.

C- When does one go to heaven? When one dies? [This question seems rather childish. Conchita’s lack of education makes some of her questions seem simple, as though they don’t correspond to her age. In contrast, the response is profoundly astonishing.] He said to me:

J- ONE NEVER DIES. (Conchita then commented later: I thought that we didn’t go to heaven until we were resurrected).

C- I asked Him if St. Peter was at the gate of heaven to receive us. He told me “no“.

(End of excerpts.)

So there. A very important quote from Jesus Himself: One never dies. It reminds me of what the Blessed Mother recently told a visionary: that consciousness survives earthly death and one is immediately transported to a plane with some kind of a spiritual body to face what the Catechism calls particular judgment that will determine each one's eternity: Heaven, hell or, in the meantime, Purgatory.

Recent messages from Heaven being conveyed to believable Catholic mystics have a common lament: so many on earth needs conversion. I suppose this lament is better understood when one reads Thomas a' Kempis, rather his old fashioned booklet The Imitation of Christ which is an upside-down version of the modern world. Yes, suffering can be ideal and many forms of materialism are unheavenly- which is what modern times would likely find insane.

But consider what our Blessed Mother said in Garabandal on October 18, 1961: "We must make many sacrifices, perform much penance, and visit the Blessed Sacrament frequently. But first, we must lead good lives. "

Recall, too, that in 1945 Jesus told Sister Lucia, the seer of Fatima, thus: "The sacrifice and penance I now seek and require is the fulfillment of your state in life and the observance of my laws."

And let me add what St. Padre Pio said: "If you knew the value of suffering, you wouldn't give it up."

Thus, in the face of the pandemic and the tribulations yet to come as prophesied, hardships can be transformed into offerings, into prayers for favors or as amendments for sins, ours and of the rest of humanity, especially in our times. Catholics are specially tasked in this light, because we have in our disposition powerful instrumentalities, such as the Holy Rosary, that can bestow graces on all, including pagans, and even ease tribulations.

Conversion must set eyes on the brevity of being earthlings, and the eternity of what comes after, for ourselves and our beloved family, hopefully in blissful life everlasting. Amen.

BISHOP DONALD HYING: The Scriptures exhort us to encourage one another. Often, someone’s kind words of appreciation, or the promise of prayers, or an expression of gratitude can lift our flagging spirits and keep us persevering. Today, the Lord encourages us not to lose heart, but to hope and love.

Thoughts and Sayings of Saint Margaret Mary: Peace- Trust- Abandonment

21. Practice abandonment as regards your body, taking and accepting indifferently sickness or health, work or rest- abandonment as regards your soul, cherishing dryness, insensibility, desolation, and accepting them with the same thanksgiving as you would sweetness and consolation.

July 23, 2021  

(Mat 25:37-40) Then shall the just answer him, saying: Lord, when did we see thee hungry and fed thee: thirsty and gave thee drink? Or when did we see thee a stranger and took thee in? Or naked and covered thee? Or when did we see thee sick or in prison and came to thee? And the king answering shall say to them: Amen I say to you, as long as you did it to one of these my least brethren, you did it to me.

AID TO THE CHURCH IN NEED: The challenges facing the Church on the world’s most Catholic continent

ONE IN EVERY TWO CATHOLICS IN THE WORLD LIVES IN LATIN AMERICA. With almost 500 million Catholics, and despite the ever-growing presence of sects, about 44 percent of all Catholics in the world live in Latin America. If one adds the 60 million Hispanics who, according to the US Census, are now living in North America, almost half of all Catholics in the world are originally from Latin America.

“Catholics in Latin America are a living, passionate and dynamic community, with great respect for human dignity, highly valuing the family and having a profound sense of community. All these things are very positive. Such Christian values, as the search for the common good and concern for the well-being of all, especially of the poorest and most vulnerable in society, are very much present among this community,” explains Rafael D’Aqui, head of one of the Latin America sections of Aid to the Church in Need (ACN).

Faithful in Bolivia However, despite their great numbers, the Catholics of Latin America are facing major challenges. Social inequalities are extreme, and incomes generally low. Poverty in Latin America makes life difficult for most. Such problems in turn create high levels of violence and other social evils which affect families and are passed on to other generations.

A continuing challenge faced by the Church is the unceasing growth of the suburban townships surrounding the major cities. As a result of the poverty in rural areas, people are moving to the cities in search of the hoped-for employment opportunities of life in the big cities. This is a phenomenon in most of the countries of the continent, as for example in Peru, where Catholics make up 76 percent of the population, by far the largest religious community in the country, but where at the same time the rural exodus is continuing at a growing pace. Many mainly young Peruvians are moving into the towns and suburban townships, where they face dangers such as drug addiction, loss of their cultural roots and breakup of their family ties.

This migration into the cities is continuing unceasingly, and the consequent population growth represents a major challenge for the Catholic Church, which is obliged to establish new parishes to continue being close to the people. Yet at the same time it is impossible to grow at the same speed, for sheer lack of financial resources. Nevertheless, this spiritual support is crucial for many people, as the Church is often the last refuge of hope for them in this new situation. “If the urbanization is so rapid that the Church is unable to build a place of worship in the beginning, then undoubtedly it will be still more difficult afterwards to provide the people with a place to practice their faith,” said D’Aqui.

Another consequence of the rapid growth of Catholics in the large cities on the continent is the lack of priests and catechists to minister to them. In Bolivia approximately 80 percent of the country’s 11 million population are Catholics, but ministering to these Catholics is an extremely complex and difficult task in the big cities, where the population has grown rapidly. “The capital La Paz, for example, which is situated high in the Andes at an altitude of almost 12,000 feet, had a population of 766,468 in 2012. But now it has over 1 million inhabitants, owing to the influx of people from the indigenous villages in the rural areas. There is an urgent need for more priests, and for this reason ACN is very much open to the requests from the dioceses affected, especially for the formation of future priests,” D’Aqui explains.

The Church in Latin America is a pillar for the rest of the world, and many missionaries in Europe and Africa are the result of the generous commitment of many of the vocations forged on this continent. But it is also important to support the Church here in facing its own great challenges. This is why ACN prioritizes support for the training of priests, seminarians and religious sisters, so that the people will not be left like a flock without a shepherd, but instead this vast Catholic community can be a future hope for the entire world.

ARLINGTON CATHOLIC HERALD: Charity with local ties serves the poorest of the poor in Latin America

ANGELUS: Latam bishops face unrest and division in Cuba, Colombia and Nicaragua


CRS gradually restores services in Haiti amid series of crises
With increasing defiance, Cuban churches urge government to listen, not repress
US bishops express solidarity with Cuban Church and people

Thoughts and Sayings of Saint Margaret Mary: Peace- Trust- Abandonment

20. As regards your taking up your abode in His Sacred Heart, why should you fear? Our Lord Himself invites you to come to Him and take your rest in His Heart. Is It not the throne of mercy, where the most miserable are the most favorably received, provided that, although steeped in misery, they are drawn by love?

July 21, 2021  

(Joh 19:25-27) Now there stood by the cross of Jesus, his mother and his mother's sister, Mary of Cleophas, and Mary Magdalen. When Jesus therefore had seen his mother and the disciple standing whom he loved, he saith to his mother: Woman, behold thy son. After that, he saith to the disciple: Behold thy mother. And from that hour, the disciple took her to his own.

675 Before Christ's second coming the Church must pass through a final trial that will shake the faith of many believers.The persecution that accompanies her pilgrimage on earth will unveil the "mystery of iniquity" in the form of a religious deception offering men an apparent solution to their problems at the price of apostasy from the truth. The supreme religious deception is that of the Antichrist, a pseudo-messianism by which man glorifies himself in place of God and of his Messiah come in the flesh.

677 The Church will enter the glory of the kingdom only through this final Passover, when she will follow her Lord in his death and Resurrection. The kingdom will be fulfilled, then, not by a historic triumph of the Church through a progressive ascendancy, but only by God's victory over the final unleashing of evil, which will cause his Bride to come down from heaven. God's triumph over the revolt of evil will take the form of the Last Judgment after the final cosmic upheaval of this passing world.

REGINA PROPHETARUM: Preserving Our Peace and Piety in Maintaining Our Inheritance

BLOG: Abp. Vigaṇ: on the Unfolding Passion of the Church

I was moved when I read your reflections on the state of the Church and on the “migration” of Catholics from a dying reality to a new, more combative and guerilla dimension, as you wrote, using an image taken from a well-known radio meditation given by the young Joseph Ratzinger.

This migration is not a migration out of the Mystical Body to a human and utopian reality created in the minds of those who lament the loss of the past and are disgusted with the present. Because if this were our temptation, we would be committing a betrayal of the Church herself, separating ourselves from her and thus precluding our salvation, which She alone ensures to Her members.

Ponder that paradox, dear Aldo Maria: Precisely those who proclaim that they are proudly faithful to the immutable Catholic Magisterium would thus be constructing a (false) oasis, without recalling that we are all exsules filii Evae and that we make our way across this vale of tears gementes et flentes.

The Church is not over and will not end. We know that this terrible crisis, in which we are witnessing the obstinate demolition of the little that still survives that is Catholic by those whom the Lord has established as pastors of His flock, marks the sorrowful passion and descent into the tomb of the Mystical Body, which Providence has ordained must imitate its Divine Head in everything.

So it also happened under the dark sky of Jerusalem, on Golgotha, when, seeing the Son of God lifted up on the Cross, there were those who believed that the brief parenthesis of the Nazarean was over. But along with those who — out of pessimism, fear, opportunism or open hostility — cynically observe the death rattle of the Church, there are also those who groan and have their hearts rent open before that agony, even as they know that it is the necessary, indispensable premise of the resurrection which awaits Her and all of Her members.

The death rattle is terrible, just like the Lord’s cry that pierced the unbelieving silence of the Parasceve, and with it the dominion of Satan over the world. “Eli, Eli, lamà sabactani!” we hear Christ cry out, while the Church groans. We see the spears, the clubs, the reed with the sponge soaked in vinegar; we hear the vulgar insults of the crowd, the provocations of the Sanhedrin, the orders given to the guards, the sobs of the pious women.

Behold, dear Dr. Valli, today we must stand at the foot of the Cross as we witness the passion of the Church. To stand means to remain upright, still and faithful. Along with Mary Most Holy, the Sorrowful Mother — stabat Mater dolorosa — whom the Lord gave to us as our mother right at the foot of the Cross in the person of St. John, thereby making us, along with the same beloved disciple, children of His mother.

And just as the Father was pleased to accept the sacrifice of His Only Begotten Son … so He deigns to see the sufferings of the Passion reflected in the Church and in individual believers. Even in the agony of seeing the pains of the Passion renewed in the Mystical Body of Christ, we know that with this last solemn ceremony of time, the redemption is brought to completion: Accomplished by the Incarnate Son of God, it must find its mystical correspondence in the redeemed.

And just as the Father was pleased to accept the sacrifice of His Only Begotten Son to redeem us miserable sinners, so He deigns to see the sufferings of the Passion reflected in the Church and in individual believers. Only in this way can the work of the redemption, accomplished by Jesus Christ, true God and true Man, in the name of humanity, make us cooperators and participants.

We are not passive subjects of a plan of which we are unaware, but rather we are active protagonists of our salvation and the salvation of our brothers, following the example of our Divine Head. It is in this that we may say that we are effectively a priestly people.

In the face of the desolation of these terrible times, in the face of the apostasy of the hierarchy and the agony of the ecclesial body, we cannot be truly pessimistic or yield to despair or resignation. We are with St. John and the Sorrowful Virgin at the foot of a cross on which the new high priests spit, against which a new Sanhedrin curses and swears. On the other hand, we recall that the leaders of the priestly class were the first ones who wanted to put Our Lord to death, and so it is not surprising that in the moment of the passion of the Church, it is precisely they who mock what the blindness of their soul no longer understands.

Let us pray. Let us pray with humility, asking the Holy Spirit to give us strength in the moment of trial. Let us multiply our prayer, penances, and fasting for those who today are among those who brandish the whip, press the crown of thorns upon the head, drive in the nails, and wound the side of the Church, just as they once did with Christ.

Let us pray also for those who watch impassively or look the other way. Let us pray for those who weep, for those who hold out a handkerchief to wipe the disfigured face, for those who carry the Cross for a while, for those who prepare a tomb, wrappings for the body, and precious balm. Exspectantes beatam spem, et adventum gloriae magni Dei, et salvatoris nostri Jesu Christi: awaiting the blessed hope, the coming of the glory of the great God and our savior Jesus Christ (Titus 2:13).

+ Carlo Maria Vigaṇ, Archbishop
14 July 2021

Thoughts and Sayings of Saint Margaret Mary: Peace- Trust- Abandonment

19. Think no more of what people say, but of pleasing the Heart of Jesus alone, according to the lights He will give you. He loves you and He will never allow you to perish, so long as you trust in Him.

July 19, 2021  

(Mat 16:18-19) And I say to thee: That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And I will give to thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven. And whatsoever thou shalt bind upon earth, it shall be bound also in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth, it shall be loosed also in heaven.

YOUTUBE: The Truth About the Traditional Mass w/ Scott Hahn

REGINA PROPHETARUM: You Cannot Contain Tradition

THE PILLAR: Pope makes extraordinary changes for Extraordinary Form

: Bishops issue guidance in response to Pope Francis' document on the Traditional Latin Mass

A growing number of bishops in the United States, including Cardinal Wilton Gregory of Washington, have issued guidance regarding groups celebrating the Traditional Latin Mass in their dioceses, after a new document from Pope Francis on Friday imposed restrictions on the use of the traditional liturgy.

The pope's document, a motu proprio entitled Traditionis custodes, made sweeping changes to his predecessor Benedict XVI’s 2007 apostolic letter Summorum Pontificum, which acknowledged the right of all priests to say Mass using the Roman Missal of 1962, which is in Latin.

The new motu proprio states that it is each bishop’s “exclusive competence” to authorize the use of the 1962 Roman Missal in his diocese.

Bishops across the U.S. have granted permission for the Traditional Latin Mass to continue in their dioceses while they study the document and determine how to proceed.

"I will prayerfully reflect upon Traditionis custodes in the coming weeks to ensure we understand fully the Holy Father's intentions and consider carefully how they are realized in the Archdiocese of Washington," Cardinal Gregory of Washington wrote in a July 16 letter to his priests.

"In the interim, I hereby grant the faculty to those who celebrate the Mass using the liturgical books issued before 1970 to continue to do so this weekend and in the days to come, until further guidance is forthcoming."

The new document sets out the responsibilities of bishops whose dioceses already have one or more groups that offer Mass in the extraordinary form, mandating that bishops determine that these groups do not deny the validity of Vatican II and the Magisterium.

Bishops are instructed to “designate one or more locations where the faithful adherents of these groups may gather for the eucharistic celebration (not however in the parochial churches and without the erection of new personal parishes).”

It also imposes new requirements for newly ordained priests wishing to celebrate the Extraordinary Form, and instructs bishops to verify that already-established parishes that celebrate the Extraordinary Form “are effective for their spiritual growth and to determine whether or not to retain them.” It further instructs bishops to “take care not to authorize the establishment of new groups” that celebrate the Extraordinary Form.

The pope says he wrote the document in response to a 2020 survey of bishops, and explained that he was saddened by what he sees as a rejection of the liturgical reforms of the Second Vatican Council. Archbishop Jose Gomez of Los Angeles, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, issued a brief statement on the matter July 16.

“Today Pope Francis published Traditionis custodes, an Apostolic Letter issued motu proprio on the use of Latin liturgical texts approved prior to the reform of 1970. I welcome the Holy Father’s desire to foster unity among Catholics who celebrate the Roman Rite," Gomez wrote.

“As these new norms are implemented, I encourage my brother bishops to work with care, patience, justice, and charity as together we foster a Eucharistic renewal in our nation.” The Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP), which celebrates the Traditional Latin Mass, addressed the situation in a July 16 statement.

"At this point, it is too early to tell what all the implications will be for the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter, but we assure you that we remain committed to serving the faithful attending our apostolates in accordance with our Constitutions and charism as we have done since our founding," the order said in a statement provided to CNA.

"We must strive to see this Cross as a means of our sanctification, and to remember that God will never abandon His Church."


Traditionis custodes: Best, worst, and middle case scenarios in the short term
The Motu Proprio & the Law of Unintended Consequences
Thank You, Pope Francis, for Restricting the Latin Mass

Thoughts and Sayings of Saint Margaret Mary: Peace- Trust- Abandonment

15. In everything and everywhere, I desire nothing but the accomplishment of the divine good pleasure, allowing the divine Heart of Jesus to will and desire in me and for me, just as He pleases. I am content to love Him alone: whatever He wishes me to love, that He will love for me.

July 16, 2021  

(Luk 1:46-50) And Mary said: My soul doth magnify the Lord. And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour. Because he hath regarded the humility of his handmaid: for behold from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed. Because he that is mighty hath done great things to me: and holy is his name. And his mercy is from generation unto generations, to them that fear him.

FRANCISCAN MEDIA: Our Lady of Mount Carmel

EXCERPT CATHOLICACTION.ORG: A Timeless Devotion: Our Lady’s Brown Scapular

Although the scapular is a devotional item, it has enormous power to open our hearts and minds to the working of God’s grace. Those who wish to wear the scapular should take it upon themselves through a formal consecration by a Carmelite priest and enrollment into the lay confraternity of the Carmelite Order.

However, these elements are not fully necessary to receive the graces of this Marian devotion. The most important part of any sacramental devotion is the faith of the believer, which provides the necessary internal element that gives all external signs such as the scapular their meaning and power.

It is also not surprising that when Our Lady appeared to the three shepherd children at Fatima in 1917, her final apparition was in the guise of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. She appeared with St. Joseph and the Child Jesus while holding out the Scapular to the visionaries, signaling the essential meaning of Fatima: that consecration to Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart is nothing less than consecration to Christ Himself.

Such is the message of the Scapular devotion and the miraculous events of Fatima. As with all Marian devotions, the vision reminds us of the essence of her mission: ad Jesum per Mariam (“to Jesus through Mary”). She is the surest and safest pathway to the Savior.

On July 16th every year we are privileged to celebrate the great feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. Let us do so this year with great fervor and love for the Blessed Virgin Mary, who clothes in the garment of her holiness all who are devoted to Christ through her Immaculate Heart.

VIA A MOMENT WITH MARY: "Do not be deceived by the words of the evil one"

Our Lady has been appearing to Gisella Cardia, a young woman from Trevignano Romano, Italy, who bears the stigmata, since 2016. Here, a statuette of Mary brought back from Medjugorje has wept tears of blood, like in Akita, Japan (1973) and Civitavecchia (Italy, 1995). Another lachrymation happened with an image of Jesus The Divine Mercy in the house of the visionary.

The messages Gisella received from God the Father, Jesus and the Virgin Mary allude to:

- a new disease would emerge from China (message of September 28, 2019)

- the imminence of the Warning or Illumination of Conscience (message similar to other apparitions, like Garabandal, Spain, and visionaries such as Luz de Maria de Bonilla, Pedro Regis and Sulema).

- a crisis in the Church due to a campaign of desacralization attacking faith in the Real Presence in the Eucharist

- a worldwide spiritual renewal Here are some recent messages Gisella received from Our Lady:

"Children, this is the great test of Faith. I say to you, as Mother of my children priests, always be obedient to the Church, but be on your guard, for when the Consecration of the Eucharist disappears, so will my Son, the Lord Jesus. Know that your true Faith will be rewarded because I will protect you. You are there - the foretold times are coming to your door; new diseases will come where cures will be difficult to find." (January 28, 2020).

"My children, do not be afraid of the times that are coming: as long as you are faithful to Him, nothing can trouble you. My children, conversion is urgent because time is running out; do not be attracted by the things of the world because soon you will be stripped of everything, but you will be able to have joy and serenity only with the help of God. My children, do not let yourselves be deceived by the words of the evil one who finds easy solutions for you, but that are dangerous for your soul." (April 6, 2021)

The diocesan bishop remains cautious but has authorized the faithful to go to Gisella's house to pray in a special chapel set up for visitors.


The message of Mary at Akita concerns all of us today
In Garabandal, Mary speaks to us like a Mother

Thoughts and Sayings of Saint Margaret Mary: Peace- Trust- Abandonment

14. What have you to fear except to lose that confidence in Him, which constrains Him to stoop from the throne of His omnipotence and condescend to come to the aid of our weakness?

July 14, 2021  

(1Jn 3:10-13) In this the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil. Whosoever is not just is not of God, or he that loveth not his brother. For this is the declaration which you have heard from the beginning, that you should love one another. Not as Cain, who was of the wicked one and killed his brother. And wherefore did he kill him? Because his own works were wicked: and his brother's just. Wonder not, brethren, if the world hate you.

NY TIMES (7/14/1949): In a sweeping decree marking the latest Vatican step in the world-wide struggle between the Roman Catholic Church and communism, the Congregation of the Holy Office today warned Catholics throughout the world that all those who "defend and spread the materialistic and anti-Christian doctrine of the Communists" would incur major excommunication.

Comments Decree against communism (Pope Pius XII):

Therefore, all catholic who votes for a communist party (which is a way to make favor) or who affiliates into a communist party, or who writes filo-communist books or magazines are excluded from the sacraments.

Those who defend, promulgate or declare the materialism from the communists are also automatically excommunicated.

This decree from Pius XII’s Holy Office, confirmed by John XXIII in 1959 is still valid. In fact, Pius XII worked personally against communism in Italy.

Such a condemnation of communism adds up to other condemnations made by Pius IX, Leo XIII, St. Pius X, Pius XI, Pius XII (who have condemned it in other opportunities), John XXIII, Paul VI, the Council Vatican II (which reiterated the preceding condemnations) and John Paul II.

It has been more than 100 years that the Catholic Church condemns communism, socialism and any kind of materialism and material egalitarianism. The penalty for those who disobey the prohibition of aiding communism (or its variants) under any aspect (including voting for filo-communist parties) is automatic excommunication.

"Religious socialism, Christian socialism are contradictory terms, for no one can be, at the same time, good catholic and true socialist." (Pio XI)

: Cuban religious leaders targeted amid nationwide protests

Protests erupted across the country on 11 July in response to Cuba’s ongoing and severe economic crisis and a record surge in coronavirus cases, before expanding to criticisms of the Cuban Communist Party (CCP)’s decades-long hold on power, crackdown on human rights and pro-democracy movements. and management of the COVID-19 pandemic.

In response, the government appears to have disconnected the internet in most of the island’s major cities, but reports of violations targeting protesters and religious leaders have continued to emerge.

Cuban President Miguel Díaz Canel also made public calls for ‘revolutionaries’ to take to the streets to defend the Revolution by fighting protestors. Several reports have since emerged of violence against protesters, including one incident in which an Associated Press photographer was violently beaten by members of the police and Cuban State Security. One protester was also allegedly shot in the stomach.

In a post on Facebook, human rights activist and pastor Reverend Mario Félix Lleonart Barroso reported that the authorities had detained Yeremi Blanco y Yarian Sierra, two pastors from the Berean Baptist Mission in Matanzas. Reverend Yusniel Pérez Montejo, of the Eastern Baptist Convention, was reportedly detained in Songo-La Maya in Santiago, and a Catholic priest, Father Castor José Álvarez Devesa, was reportedly beaten and detained incommunicado by Cuban authorities in Camagüey in central Cuba.

The Inter-American Human Rights Commission condemned the government’s use of violence against protestors and called on Cuba “to comply with its #HumanRights obligations, in particular the right to protest; in addition, the reiterated recommendation of democratic opening of the island and its responsibility to put in place an institutional framework in line with inter-American standards.”

CSW’s Head of Advocacy Anna-Lee Stangl said: “CSW stands with the people of Cuba in calling for freedom, democracy and respect for human rights. We are deeply concerned about reports of peaceful protesters, including religious leaders, being detained and beaten, as well as reported attempts to severely restrict the flow of information, including by cutting off internet access in several cities. CSW stands with religious groups in Cuba in condemning calls to violence. We urge the international community to make it clear to the Cuban government that it is time to listen to the calls of its people for peaceful and democratic change.”

CWR: Priest beaten, arrested amid Cuba protests

HISTORY: Catholic Cuba From Las Casas to the Castros

ARTICLE: The Surprising History of Cuba’s Patron Saint

PRAYER TO OUR LADY OF CHARITY, PATRON OF CUBA: Oh, Holy Virgin de la Caridad del Cobre, Mother and Lady Sovereign, with Joy I come to Kneel before You! Virgin of Miracles! As our elders called you, Cure of the Sick, Consolation of the Afflicted, Please give courage and hope to the desperate, Keep us from evil, all the families, protect youth and give sanctuary to childhood. The wonder of your works, each day are innumerable, thus justifying the Trust and Love that your children show you. From your Sanctuary at El Cobre, Venerable Virgin de la Caridad del Cobre, be always the source of all graces. Amen.

Thoughts and Sayings of Saint Margaret Mary: Peace- Trust- Abandonment

12. When you are in trouble and anxiety, go and plunge yourself in the peace of this adorable Heart, which no one can take from you.

July 12, 2021  

(Mar 6:8) And he commanded them that they should take nothing for the way, but a staff only; no scrip, no bread, nor money in their purse,

REGINA PROPHETARUM: Being Good in the Obstacle Course of the Bad Lands

ARCHBISHOP SAMUEL J. AQUILA: How to respond to God’s infinite love

CATHOLIC STAND: Cultivating Peace in the Midst of Anxiety

BISHOP BARRON: Friends, Jesus instructs his disciples in Saturday’s Gospel, “Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; rather, be afraid of the one who can destroy both body and soul in Gehenna.”

What is the greatest fear we have? Undoubtedly, the fear of losing our own lives; we fear the death of the body. But Jesus is telling us not to worry about those paper tigers that can only affect the body and its goods.

When I am in love with God, when I am “fearing” him above all things, I am rooted in a power that transcends space and time, a power that governs the universe in its entirety, a power that is greater than life and death.

More to it, this power knows me intimately and guides me according to his purposes: “Are not two sparrows sold for a small coin? Yet not one of them falls to the ground without your Father’s knowledge. Even all the hairs of your head are counted. So do not be afraid.” Because of this we have nothing to fear from anything or anybody here below.

: Relying on Providence

Does God care about the smallest details in your life? Does He care about you receiving proper food and housing? Does He care about your proper emotional, material and spiritual support? He certainly does!

Sometimes it can happen that we fail to realize how completely God cares for us. We can fall into the trap of getting consumed by the fear and anxiety of daily concerns. We can worry that we will not have enough for tomorrow or even today. This worry can concern us regarding all parts of our lives—relationships, emotions, material needs, spiritual strength, etc.

What we need to know, with complete certainty, is that God is attentive to every detail of our lives. He knows all and loves us in such a complete way that He will not abandon us ever. He will never allow us to be without those things we need to live a full and fruitful life.

Do you believe that? At times it can be hard to believe. At times we can feel overwhelmed and believe that we must take care of everything ourselves. It is true that we are called to offer all our energy and talent to God so that He can use us and work through us. But we should never forget that God is ultimately the one taking care of us and is the one most attentive to our every need.

Reflect, today, on the level of abandonment that you have to divine providence. Pray this prayer below and reflect upon how completely you can make it yours. Jesus, I trust in You!

Prayer of Abandonment

Father, I abandon myself into your hands; do with me what you will.
Whatever you may do, I thank you:
I am ready for all, I accept all.

Let only your will be done in me,
and in all your creatures –
I wish no more than this, O Lord.

Into your hands I commend my soul:
I offer it to you with all the love of my heart,
for I love you, Lord, and so need to give myself,
to surrender myself into your hands without reserve,
and with boundless confidence,
for you are my Father.

Charles de Foucauld

Thoughts and Sayings of Saint Margaret Mary: Peace- Trust- Abandonment

10. Have recourse trustfully to God's loving kindness and He will not forsake you, for He longs to bestow His graces. Though you may have had the misfortune to offend Him, He is always ready to receive you, provided you return humbly to Him.

July 8, 2021  

(Joh 8:31-32) Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed him: If you continue in my word, you shall be my disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth: and the truth shall make you free.

EXCERT EWTN ARCHIVES: Interview with Bishop Athanasius Schneider

Dr Rudolf Graber, Bishop of Regensburg (1903-1992), wrote about Freemasonry’s plans to destroy the Church in his book, “Athanasius and the Church of our time”. He quotes from a letter written by a Freemason in 1839:

“We must not individualise vice; in order for it to grow to the proportions of patriotism and hatred of the Church, we must generalise it. Catholicism is no more afraid of a sharp dagger than the monarchy is, but these two foundations of the social order are likely to collapse through corruption; we at all events never allow ourselves to be corrupted. Do not, then, let us make martyrs but let us popularise vice among the masses. Whatever their five senses strive after shall be satisfied…Create hearts full of vice and you will no longer have any Catholics. That is the corruption, on a large scale, which we have undertaken, the corruption of the people by the clergy and that of the clergy by us, the corruption which leads the way to our digging the Church’s grave”. (Athanasius and the Church of our time, p.40).


Question of Faith: Catholic Masons?
Freemasons and their craft: What Catholics should know
Freemasonry: Mankind’s Death Wish

VIDEO: Altiyan Childs Exposes Freemasonry

In a video Altiyan Childs released last month, he announced that he has now put his life on the line to renounce his secret Freemason vows. His life has recently changed after being awakened in a speeding car that was heading straight into a brick wall because the driver had fallen asleep. He says he heard a whisper in his ear that woke him from a deep sleep, and that he was able to grab the steering wheel and avoid the crash.

“I shouldn’t be here today,” he states.

The penalty for renouncing your vows in Freemasonry is death, but he feels compelled to expose Freemasonry for what it is: the oldest religion in the world.

According to Childs, almost every notable person running the world today, from politics to business to entertainment, got there through Freemasonry. And his 5 plus hour video was produced to convince you that this is true, from an insider perspective, and to warn about what is soon coming: the implementation of the Luciferian New World Order.


If I ask myself, how can zillions of world citizens all over the world have so little common sense as to be lying down and taking this covid-nonsense, an avalanche of lies captivating people’s minds and then the tyrannical stupidities dominating their behaviour, I have only one answer – they have let “science,” then technology, and finally electronics so dominate their lives that they no longer have anywhere near enough common sense left to recognise the global fraud and to stand up to the global tyrants.

It is a foretaste of what St Paul says about the coming of the Antichrist: “And then that wicked one shall be revealed . . . . whose coming is according to the working of Satan, in all power, and signs and lying wonders, and in all seduction of iniquity to them that perish; because they receive not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. Therefore God shall send them the operation of error, to believe lying: that all may be judged who have not believed the truth, but have consented to iniquity” (II Thess. II, 8–11).

This is a text which holds true in all times and places, but it is applying more than ever as we approach the end of the world. Notice how the trouble begins with lack of love of the truth. To love the truth and to pursue it is a great gift of God, because if one pursues it, one will find it (Mt. VII, 7–8), and if one then keeps pursuing it, God will lead the one pursuing it to Heaven and everlasting bliss, no less. But if for love of the world, the flesh or the Devil, those three great enemies of the soul, one refuses the truth or refuses to pursue it, then upon lack of the truth in the mind will necessarily follow error in the mind, the erosion of common sense, and corruption and immorality in the will. For indeed common sense is the mind’s natural endowment from God with its ability to recognise reality around it, and with reality truth, an ability normally necessary to survive. But if I set my will against reality and truth, as I can, then God will allow me so to erode my common sense that it will no longer make any sense to me.

This is what is now happening on a global scale, so that the most prestigious of “intellectuals” are turning themselves into the most stupid of human beings because, for instance, to impose their own scheme of equality in Creation upon God’s design of variety through inequality, they will refuse to give any recognition to the manifold complementarity between man and woman, and will strive to turn men into women and women into men, with disastrous results for both, and with catastrophic surgical operations for boys to be supposedly turned into girls and girls into boys. But why not, if God, Creation, Nature, Adam and Eve, Heaven and Hell are not true? Then the whole world becomes my toy, and the playpen of people like Gates, Soros and Schwab.

Here is why the one true God, from whom derive Creation, Nature, Adam and Eve, Heaven and Hell, is at the very centre of this global covid-fraud, NOT because He in any way directly caused it, but because He most certainly first allowed it, “that all may be judged who have not believed the truth, but have consented to iniquity.” No lies can enter His Heaven, let alone an avalanche of lies. But He means to populate His Heaven, howsoever men mean to depopulate His world!

Kyrie eleison.

Thoughts and Sayings of Saint Margaret Mary: Peace- Trust- Abandonment

7. Act towards our Lord with entire confidence and simplicity: do not spend time by dwelling too often on your past faults; this only serves to satisfy self-love and to discourage us.

July 6, 2021  

(1Th 5:17-21) Pray without ceasing. In all things give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you all. Extinguish not the spirit. Despise not prophecies. But prove all things: hold fast that which is good.

FR. MARK GORING, CC: Virgin Mary Appears to Over a Million People!

NCR: Five Lesser-Known Marian Apparitions Around the World

MARK MALLET BLOG: The Place For Cowards

A MOMENT WITH MARY: A lesser known apparition in Germany: Marpingen

The Virgin Mary appeared three different times at Marpingen, Germany.

First, in 1876 (1), she appeared to three 8-year-old children. As in Lourdes, she introduced herself as the "Immaculately Conceived".

Then in 1930, she appeared to a man and said to him: "I am waiting at the gates of Germany, weeping as Jesus wept over Jerusalem... "

And finally, in 1999, she appeared to three young women, Marion Gutman, Christine Neg and Judith Hiher. The apparitions ended on October 17, 1999.

Here is an excerpt from her last message given on October 17, 1999: "My apparitions in the world, as it is at the moment, will soon come to an end. For a time I will not be seen again. However, I will lead you by thought and perhaps by locutions: this is in God's hands and I cannot yet say. The new time of which I speak will come much, much later, because in Heaven time is not measured as it is on Earth. There will now be a period of time when - after my apparitions, which I am currently continuing on Earth, have ended - you will have to decide for or against God. After you have decided, after, long after, you will see me with your own eyes. But that is a long time away...

God does not want anyone to be condemned! It is man himself who causes his own damnation, because he does not love God. That is why I beg you once again: fulfill my requests, follow the teaching of the Church, live according to the Commandments of God, be humble, simple and small and let yourselves be guided by me, your heavenly Mother, for I have only one desire and one goal, to bring you into eternal bliss to my Son and to God... "

Message of September 8, 1999: "There will be no third world war. God loves his children so much! But there will be punishments that must serve to bring souls back to God. This is out of love. I will not say now what that is. But if you believe in God, if you love him and trust him, you have nothing to fear. Everything is part of God's plan."

(1) At that time, the German Empire was in the midst of the Kulturkampf, where the German state was trying to secularize German society by fighting against the privileges and the fidelity to Rome of the Catholic Church. The bishop of the Marpingen diocese was imprisoned, then exiled, and had just died at the time of the apparitions. The announcement of these apparitions, of the arrival of pilgrims at the site, and even of "miraculous healings", provoked the anger of the government, which banned the gatherings, brought in the troops, and brought the offenders to trial. The violent political reaction prevented the ecclesiastical authority from opening a canonical investigation, and to this day (in 2020) no steps have been taken to recognize these apparitions. But a popular movement of local devotion still exists today.

Thoughts and Sayings of Saint Margaret Mary: Peace- Trust- Abandonment

6. When you have committed faults, do not be anxious because anxiety, uneasiness and too much agitation withdraw the soul from God and cause Jesus Christ to withdraw from the soul. Let us, rather, ask pardon of Him and beg His Sacred Heart to restore us to favor.
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