Keep your eyes open!...


July 31, 2020  

(1Co 2:9) But, as it is written: That eye hath not seen, nor ear heard: neither hath it entered into the heart of man, what things God hath prepared for them that love him.


: "Go thy way, thy faith has saved thee."

VIA Tamara Klapatch: I hope all of you are doing well. First off, in case some of you do not know me, my name is Tamara Klapatch and I am helping Sr. Petra-Maria Steiner and with the blessing and approval, Padre Carmine Cucinelli in the work of raising awareness for the Servant of God Padre Domenico da Cese, Capuchin and the Volto Santo in the United States. If you are receiving this email, your name and address were given to me by Sr. Petra-Maria. During this difficult time in our world's history, even now more than ever we need holy men and women to look up to as examples. This world is in a state of crisis, however through much prayer, it can also be healed. I am therefore asking for help, if anyone is interested in promoting the Servant of God Padre Domenico da Cese, whom not only was a spiritual son of St. Padre Pio, but also shared in the same spiritual gifts such as reading souls, bilocation, miraculous healings and the stigmata. I have begun a website: as well as a Facebook page: Padre Domenico da Cese - Volto Santo in order to inform the public of any events regarding Padre Domenico and the Volto Santo. Please let as many people know as possible, this is an important task and I need the help of everyone to make this a success. Just by informing people, you can make a huge difference.

Thank you all for taking the time to read this, and may our Lord through the intercession of the Servant of God Padre Domenico da Cese bless all of you!

BRIEF BIOGRAPHY: The life and holiness of Padre Domenico da Cese

ALETEIA: Was this bilocating priest caught on camera at Padre Pio’s funeral?

INSIDE THE VATICAN: The “Apostle of the Holy Face”

Padre Domenico da Cese, the “Apostle of the Holy Face” of Manoppello, with the image of a bruised man who is just opening his eyes When Padre Domenico first arrived in Manoppello in 1966 and saw the Volto Santo, he immediately recognized it as the face of the “stranger” who had pulled him from the rubble of the church in Cese in 1915! But what was the exact nature of this relic that he used to refer to as a “spider web” due to its sheerness? He became utterly devoted to the Holy Face on the cloth, and his devotion was such that he asked his superiors to allow him to remain permanently assigned to the shrine in Manoppello, a request which was granted.

Padre Domenico realized that the face of Jesus on the cloth is not that of a dead person, but of someone alive. He began research, comparing the cloth, on which there were absolutely no traces of either blood or paint, with pictures of the Shroud of Turin, concluding that one (the Shroud) was the image of a dead man, and the other (the Volto Santo) of a man who was alive — and both of the same person. (Sophisticated scientific research carried out by Italian scientists as recently as January 2019 has, in fact, confirmed that the two images overlap very well.)

Padre Domenico eventually became the first Apostle of the Volto Santo, and in this capacity he also led pilgrimage tours of the Shrine in Manoppello. It was during one of these tours, in 1968, that he reportedly bilocated: witnesses confirm that he led the tour, but he was also seen by multiple witnesses, at the very same time, attending the funeral of Padre Pio himself at San Giovanni Rotondo, 2 1/2 hours away by car. Later, he organized a major exhibition of the Holy Face in Pescara, Italy, for the 19th National Eucharistic Congress in 1977.

As predicted by Padre Domenico himself, he was struck by a speeding Fiat 500 in Turin, on the evening of September 13, 1978, after spending time before the Shroud; he was knocked to the ground and hit his head on a curb. (At the same time, a 16-year-old girl, Elisabetta Venditti of Pescara, rushed to her mother, a spiritual daughter of Padre Domenico, saying she dreamt of Padre Domenico falling to the ground covered in blood.) Padre Domenico forgave the driver of the car, and around 10:30 p.m. on September 17, he passed away peacefully.

In Sr. Petra-Maria’s research, she discovered photos which show the wounds of the stigmata in his hands. Is that also what Padre Pio meant when he told others to go to Padre Domenico because “he is just like me?!”

The canonical process for the recognition of his holiness by the Church was opened by the Holy See in 2013, and in 2015, Padre Domenico da Cese was declared a “Servant of God.”

PRAYER: For the intercession of Servant of God Padre Domenico da Cese

Oh God, you gave Padre Domenico the capacity of recognizing in the poor and the suffering the very Holy Face of your beloved Son, whose devotion he promoted with such zeal, through his intercession obtain for me the humility of heart, and simplicity of the little ones to whom you have revealed the secrets of the Kingdom, and in my hour of trial give me the strength to overcome the seductions of evil in order to put Satan to flight, and to merit, at the end of my earthly pilgrimage, to be able to contemplate the Holy Face of Jesus in the glory of paradise.

Though unworthy as I am of your Divine favors, I ask that you might grant, through the intercession of your faithful servant Padre Domenico, the grace I humbly ask of you… Amen.

Ladder of Divine Ascent excerpt: Step 30- "Concerning the Supreme Trinity Among the Virtues"

6. God is love. so he who wishes to define this tries with bleary eyes to measure the sand in the ocean.

July 29, 2020  

(Rev 11:19) And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament: and there were lightnings, and voices, and thunderings, and an earthquake, and great hail.

(Rev 12:1) And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars:

5 MINUTE VIDEO: Eucharistic Miracles & Marian Apparitions: WE’VE BEEN WARNED! - Fr. Mark Goring, CC

CATHOLIC EXCHANGE: The Overlooked Marian Apparitions at Zeitoun, Egypt

: A 'most powerful woman' – National Geographic's major hat tip to the Virgin Mary

Our Lady. Blessed Mother. Virgin Mary. Queen of Peace. Theotokos. Handmaid of the Lord. Mother Mary.

These are just some of the titles used to describe the young woman to whom an angel appeared some 2,000 years ago with the message that she would conceive and bear the Savior of the World.

Mary has very few recorded words in the New Testament, but her worldwide devotion spans across time, cultures and even religions.

In a Nov. 8 feature for National Geographic, “How the Virgin Mary Became the World’s Most Powerful Woman,” Maureen Orth explores the worldwide phenomenon of devotion to the Mother of God in anticipation of the Dec. 13 National Geographic Channel special, “The Cult of Mary.”

In her piece, Orth spoke with Marian scholars and experts and even followed pilgrims to Marian apparition sites to learn more about this “most powerful woman.” “

We see the relationship of Mary with us isn’t just any relationship – it’s sacred,” María Enriqueta García, who did her sacred theology dissertation at the International Marian Research Institute at the University of Dayton, told Orth.

The idea of Mary as an intercessor before God comes from scripture at the Wedding Feast of Cana, when Jesus performs his first miracle after his mother’s prompting of, “They have no wine” followed by her instruction to the servers to, “Do whatever he tells you.”

“Since then no other woman has been as exalted as Mary,” Orth said. “As a universal symbol of maternal love, as well as of suffering and sacrifice, Mary is often the touchstone of our longing for meaning, a more accessible link to the supernatural than formal church teachings. Her mantle offers both security and protection.”

For her story, Orth accompanied pilgrims around the world to Marian apparition sites including Lourdes, Kibeho, Mexico City, and even Medjugorje – where apparitions are said to still be occurring and the Vatican has not yet ruled on its authenticity.

RELATED: Visions of Mary


The Amazing Science of Recent Eucharistic Miracles: A Message from Heaven? ?
4 Approved Eucharistic Miracles from the 21st Century
Parish priest says reported Eucharistic miracle has led to conversions

Ladder of Divine Ascent excerpt: Step 30- "Concerning the Supreme Trinity Among the Virtues"

5. The angels know how to speak about love, and even they can only do this according to the degree of their enlightenment.

July 27, 2020  

(Mat 5:10-12) Blessed are they that suffer persecution for justice' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are ye when they shall revile you, and persecute you, and speak all that is evil against you, untruly, for my sake: Be glad and rejoice for your reward is very great in heaven. For so they persecuted the prophets that were before you.

PERSECUTION.ORG: Today, We Mourn Hagia Sophia

ACN: Statement by Catholic charity ACN International on Hagia Sophia Reconvert into Mosque

ACN views the proposed reconversion of Hagia Sophia into a mosque with grave concern. Once again a religious issue is being exploited for the purpose of consolidating internal political power. Turkish President Erdogan is apparently attempting to improve his personal popularity ratings by means of this measure, which has been widely criticized around the world, while at the same time diverting attention from the internal problems of his own country.

ACN fully comprehends the outrage this measure has provoked among Christians living in Turkey and throughout the Middle East. It can only intensify the constant weakening and disadvantaging of Christians and other religious minorities in this whole region. Despite the protestations to the contrary, and likewise, despite the clear constitutional provisions, these minority groups among the population are often treated as second-class citizens and are increasingly undermined in their roots and their identity.

At the same time, ACN views the negative reaction among many nations and politicians in regard to this decision with some skepticism. While there has been a high degree of indignation in regard to the re-purposing of a religious building, the constant and in some cases state-sponsored acts of violence and discrimination against Christians and other religious minorities in many countries around the world have often met with little or no reaction.

ACN once again reiterates that the human right to full freedom of religion is inseparably linked to the unimpeachable dignity of the human person, and the foundation, therefore, calls upon all national governments, and on international organizations such as the United Nations, to actively defend this right.

ACN likewise condemns the increasing forms of extreme nationalism in many countries of the world, frequently motivated by particular religious ideologies. The result of these is that the members of religious minorities in these countries are often seen as aliens and enemies, even where their ancestors have lived in these lands long before those who now constitute the majority took possession of them.

ACN calls in particular on the Western nations to draw lessons from the history of the Middle East in the 20th century and no longer remain silent over the destruction of the fundamental right to survival of minority groups, whether in Turkey, Iraq, India, China, Pakistan or elsewhere. Compared with this frequently bloody persecution, the proposed re-purposing of this important religious building, the precise effects of which are still unknown, is a relatively minor matter.

MORE: Turkey: nationalism, not religion, drives the conversion of Hagia Sophia into a mosque

CATHOLICCULTURE.ORG: From the Archive: The Akathist Hymn

CNA: Cardinal Bo: Hagia Sophia’s conversion into a mosque will ‘reopen wounds’

Ladder of Divine Ascent excerpt: Step 30- "Concerning the Supreme Trinity Among the Virtues"

4. He who wishes to speak about Divine love undertakes to speak about God. But it is precarious to expatiate on God, and may even be dangerous for the unwary.

July 24, 2020  

(Psa 32:5-6) I have acknowledged my sin to thee, and my injustice I have not concealed. I said I will confess against my self my injustice to the Lord: and thou hast forgiven the wickedness of my sin. For this shall every one that is holy pray to thee in a seasonable time. And yet in a flood of many waters, they shall not come nigh unto him.

SIGN.ORG: Transfigured: A Time To Heal

Patricia Sandoval's Escape from Drugs, Homelessness, and the Back Doors of Planned Parenthood

FACEBOOK: Rachel's Vineyard Ministries

NEWSLETTER: Rachel’s Vineyard: A Path to Healing and Reconciliation

HLI: The Beauty of Statistics on Abortion


Anne Lastman:  Yes I know of Rachels Vineyard. Many years ago just after I began Victims of Abortion (Aust) I was asked by a pro-lifer to go to USA and learn about RV and bring this charism back to Australia. Well I had only begun Victims of Abortion only months before and it was moving along slowly but nicely, so I declined.

I began VOA following the words of my priest after my own healing and he then said to me memorable words “now you go and do for others what the Lord has down for you” I at first felt overwhelmed as I didn’t know what to do but then doors and individuals slowly opened.

Several years before the revealing of my own abortions in early life (suppressed) I had gone to university and studied Batchelor in psychology (counselling) with a second major in Red Studies. I didn’t know why I did this course of study as I had never been interested in psychology or counselling but I had thought I would’ve loved to lecture in Old Testament history. Love this especially the first three chapters of Genesis. However, I did the psychology and it was OK but just OK and in due course began to enjoy it.

After my healing experience with my priest friend and his method and his words to me I suddenly understood why I did the counselling course.

My priest friend also helped me in the early days of speaking with girls/women who came to me for counselling. I did (in my own words) replicate though added more to Father’s programme for healing.

At the time in Australia there was not much in the area of post abortion grief and recovery so I didn’t really have much reference and America was so far away, so I set about learning all I could about post abortion grief from both my own experience when I began to understand why dreams of dead babies, breasts throbbed at the sound of newborn cry, disassociation when the word abortion was heard, leaving room when others spoke about abortion and other triggers.

I was then given (By my Archbishop) a room to work from but no financial support from anywhere. I began the newsletter which at first brought no financial support. I began with 37 names and husband and I paid for all expenses. Today I have now nearly 2000 recipients. Donations eventually came and when I needed to leave the office because the Archbishop (you know him as Cdl Pell) moved to Sydney Australia and the new one wanted the room for other purposes there were sufficient donations to pay for a tiny tiny office in the city where I lived and for the ongoing expenses.

I have in nearly 25 years never written an invoice to charge anyone. Not because I’m angelic but because when I began I lost two young clients because they couldn’t afford $10 per visit so I had a discussion with my BOSS (the Lord) and the arrangement was/is that he supplies the funds needed and I will do the work, and indeed He has been so generous that He has kept me going all this time.

I studied further, Post grad. Diploma Trauma Grief and loss, and over 130 hrs Trauma studies, learning the meaning of grief and along the way learned/discovered the very real link between multiple abortions and early childhood abuse and proceeded to develop and beautiful programme for healing of sexual abuse in home by so called loved one. I further studied and received 2 Masters degrees one Theology and one in Education. Batchelor of Education. I enjoy studying.

I have written two books one on abortion grief (Redeeming Grief) and another on sexual abuse in family (Hidden Pain) and a small manual for counsellors which I give away to them to help them in the area of abuse and abortion grief.

I have spoken at overseas conferences and many groups here in Australia (no - never invited to America) but mostly over Europe and Malaysia/Asia/Oceania.

Just over a year ago we moved from Eastern Australia to Western Australia and have now set up office here though I still maintain my Eastern states Melbourne office with ongoing clients whom I see (when not CV19) every 6-8 weeks and who are happy to wait for me. They don’t want to go to other therapists.

Today I have 5 university degrees. Including 2 Masters in Theology/Educ and I haven’t ever drawn a salary from the Victims account, just small amounts when I travel, though Victims pays for my travel when those who invite me don’t pay the expenses and my ongoing professional development. I don’t have a need to denude the account as my husband is happy to keep our household happily in dollars.

Anyway William, there’s lots more and this is just the basics about how it all came about. I write articles (apart from Newsletter which goes as far as Iceland, Russia, Hungary India, Rome, Italy, Germany, New Guinea, Solomon Islands et al) for publishing usually on my two topics and I am published and still invited to speak publicly both here in Australia and overseas.

I absolutely still love theology and use my knowledge when it is possible, as I am a registered with the Australian counselling Association. Similar to APA (USA and Australia restrictions)

I am not only qualified but a specialist counsellor (Level 4-highest level) and deal only with abortion and sexual abuse grief as these are still not well represented. The sexual abuse counselling takes up much time but I can say shyly with some success.

So William there you have it. I think I will continue for another couple of years (if God permits of course) then slowly withdraw and give my heart, emotions and head a break.

Ladder of Divine Ascent excerpt: Step 30- "Concerning the Supreme Trinity Among the Virtues"

3. The first can make and create all things; the Divine mercy surrounds the second and makes it immune to disappointment; the third does not fall, does not stop in its course and allows no respite to him who is wounded by its blessed madness.

July 22, 2020  

(Psalm 91:5-6) You will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day, nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday.

VIDEO HOMILY: The Church Has Entered Her Passion

On July 12, 2020, Fr. Joseph Kuhlman offered a reflection on the passion of the Church and our need to take up our cross in the service of Christ.

NCR: Coronavirus Stalks in the Darkness, But Do Not Be Afraid

CNS: Survey of bishops reveals how pandemic has shaken diocesan, parish life

CNA: At least 9 Catholic bishops have died from the coronavirus

ASIANEWS.IT: Chaldean patriarch tells clergy that, COVID-19 aside, they must be with God and close to the people

In the "difficult circumstances" caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, priests are called to find new ways to show “closeness to people", morally support them, and help them remain "united with God" and "supportive of others,” this according to Card Louis Raphael Sako in a message to the Chaldean clergy.

For the Chaldean primate, priests must seize the opportunity of the ongoing tragedy to rediscover "gifts and what we possess". They can help "better serve the people" following Christ and the men and women religious of the past.

In a message sent to AsiaNews for wider circulation, the cardinal calls on the clergy to "show our believers" the meaning "of fatherhood and human and spiritual care" with sensitivity and tenderness rather than "roughness and criticism" to benefit "those who are close to us”.

The present must be used, as Saint Ephrem teaches, for spiritual growth through reading, meditation and personal prayer. Recently, Card Sako had already noted that the novel coronavirus pandemic could be an opportunity to deepen the faith and build solidarity in society.

In many parts of the country, especially the capital, the situation remains critical. This year, the health emergency has forced the cancellation of annual retreats and community celebrations, including sport and other convivial activities.

In Iraq, the battle against the pandemic is still not over. Confinement, social distancing, and limits on activities are still in place. Prayers, masses and other services are still suspended.

However, "most of our priests remain faithful," notes Card Sako, "engaged" in their mission. “We are proud of this and thank them for the effort they have made” in serving the Church and the community. The primate is less tender for the few who have deserted their parish and diocese, as some have done in the past.

Lastly, the patriarch stresses the importance of priests working and living together as an "opportunity" for growth and as a "blessing".

“I lived most of my priestly years with priests and I learnt a lot from them", said Card Sako. The exchange with others remains alive in his memory.

He urges fellow clergymen to solve problems and meet difficulties "with hope, patience and courage", using a language based on “calm and responsible dialogue".

Ladder of Divine Ascent excerpt: Step 30- "Concerning the Supreme Trinity Among the Virtues"

2. And (as far as I can make out) I see the one as a ray, the second as a light, the third as an orb; and in all, one radiance and one splendour.

July 20, 2020  

(Heb 10:22-23) Let us draw near with a true heart, in fulness of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with clean water. Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering (for he is faithful that hath promised):

CS LEWIS: Hope is one of the Theological virtues. This means that a continual looking forward to the eternal world is not (as some modern people think) a form of escapism or wishful thinking, but one of the things a Christian is meant to do. It does not mean that we are to leave the present world as it is. If you read history you will find that the Christians who did most for the present world were just those who thought most of the next.


We creatures of time are constantly moving into the future, and our eyes are usually facing forward. Hope is like headlights.

FR STEPHEN OJAPAH: Don’t lose hope

Hope in Catholic Theology is described as one of the three theological virtues. St Thomas Aquinas defines it as “a future good, difficult but possible to attain…by means of the Divine Assistance…on whose help it leans”.

Hope is often oriented towards some future good. Like the other two theological virtues of faith and charity, hope finds its “origin, motive, and object” in God (Catechism of the Catholic Church, §1812).

Hope as a theological virtue, is an infused virtue. Unlike any good habit that is the outcome of a repeated action or the product of our own industry, hope is a divine gift, bestowed by God Himself.

In Christian tradition, hope in Christ and faith in Christ are closely linked. Hope connotes a firm assurance that is anchored on faith.

It does mean that even in the face of trials, tragedies and difficulties, hope is able to sustain the faith and endurance of the Christian faithful. It is the “anchor of the soul”.

FATHER JEFFREY F. KIRBY: Facing the choice between false and holistic hope

The current state of affairs of our world is daunting. It’s overwhelming people and pushing spirits to imaginable limits. People are uncertain about what’s true, anxious about pandemics, peace, and politics, and restless about what the future will hold. In these trying times, many things are being eclipsed and forgotten, but the greatest casualty right now is hope.

Hope has become a rarity. It is a longed-for oasis in the midst of a desert of bewilderment, desolation, and confusion.

But what is hope?

As believers, we have a very different understanding of this powerful virtue. Perhaps it’s better to start with what hope is not. As Christians, we acknowledge that hope is not a trust in our own powers or abilities to change things or make them into what we want them to be. Such a view oftentimes leads us to failure or disappointment since our nature is fallen, our resources are limited, and our capabilities are finite.

As the Book of Psalms teaches us: “Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain. Unless the Lord guards the city, the guard keeps watch in vain.” The bankruptcy of such a self-focused hope is epitomized in the Greek myth about Prometheus and Pandora’s Box. In the fable, Prometheus stole fire from the heavens and Zeus sought to punish him. He presented Pandora to Prometheus’ brother. While in his care, she opened a box that was given by the gods. As she opened the box, death, suffering, sickness, and all the evils of the world poured out and were unleashed upon the world. After such an onslaught, the only thing left in the box was “hope.” In reading the myth today, Westerners – influenced by the Christian faith – perceive this as a moment of encouragement, but that’s not how the Greek mind saw it.

According to the myth, hope was the worst curse of all, which is why it sat below all other horrors. Hope was hubris, pride, and arrogance. It taught humanity that it had the sole power to change things, when in reality humanity held no such power by itself. Hope was a bloated sense of self, a universal deception that misled humanity at every step. Hope was a self-curse. It was the final touch of Zeus’ hatred for humanity.

And yet, this same sense of hope is perpetuated in our world today. We are falsely told that we have the strength and wherewithal to change the world by ourselves.

In contrast, the Christian tradition shows us a loving Father, whose permissive will allows for suffering and pandemics while also giving us a promise of redemption. This saving promise gives us hope, and it is a hope in God himself, who alone can change the world.

In looking at the sorrows and sufferings of the world, hope is the virtue that helps us to realize our limitations, restrictions, weaknesses, and brokenness. It shows us the marks and bruises of a fallen world and a sinful humanity. Hope calls us outside of ourselves and points us the Power and Wisdom of God.

Rather than setting us up for frustration and failure, hope compels us to look for God’s providence, implore the help of his grace, and pine for his workings in our world today. Hope edifies us, enlarges our efforts, and elevates our spirits.

Amidst the struggles and sorrows of our fallen world, hope breaks us free from the heaviness of this world and reorients us to yearn for a happiness with God. It points us to an eternity that heals our fallenness, redeems our suffering, allows us to be fully alive, and empowers us to yearn for a perpetual dwelling place with God.

Such a hope ennobles us and strengthens us to be instruments of peace, healing, and reconciliation in our world today. It empowers us for selfless service and gives us fortitude to suffer for the sake of righteousness.

In our state of affairs, we have to decide which hope we will choose. False hope only disappoints and perpetuates the downward spiral of our spirits. A holistic hope will not make things easier, but it will invigorate us and compel us to be something greater than the fallenness around us.

The choice is ours, and the peace of our world and the continuity of civilization as we know it, will rise or fall based on our decisions.

Ladder of Divine Ascent excerpt: Step 30- "Concerning the Supreme Trinity Among the Virtues"

1. And now, finally, after all that we have said, there remain these three that bind and secure the union of all: faith, hope, and love; and the greatest of these is love, for God Himself is so called (1 John 4: 8, 16).

July 16, 2020  

(Zec 2:10) Sing praise, and rejoice, O daughter of Sion: for behold I come, and I will dwell in the midst of thee: saith the Lord.

HYMN: Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel Whom in ancient prophecy God revealed to Saint Elijah By an Oriental sea, Rise again on God’s creation, Bring to bloom this arid place With the white cloud of your beauty And the rainfall of your grace.

Virgin of the Incarnation, In the mysteries of grace God has made his habitation In our soul’s most secret place. Toward that bright and inner kingdom All our words and ways compel, For the Father, Son and Spirit In its sacred silence dwell.

DAILY COMPASS: The Scapular: Mary’s way of clothing us with Christ

SPIRIT DAILY: Mysteries Of The Mount

AUDIO HOMILY: The Brown Scapular—A Share in Our Lady's Habit

NEWS REPORT: Colorful Mount Carmel Feast canceled for first time since World War II

: Our Lady of Mount Carmel

The feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel is the patronal feast of the Carmelite order. Following is an excerpt from the Carmelite Constitutions of 1995:

Mary, overshadowed by the Spirit of God, is the Virgin of the new heart, who gave a human face to the Word made flesh. She is the Virgin of wise and contemplative listening who kept and pondered in her heart the events and the words of the Lord. She is the faithful disciple of wisdom, who sought Jesus, God’s Wisdom and allowed herself to be formed and molded by his Spirit, so that in faith she might be conformed to his ways and choices. Thus enlightened, Mary is presented to us as one able to read “the great wonders” which God accomplished in her for the salvation of the humble and of the poor.

Mary was not only the Mother of Our Lord; she also became his perfect disciple, the woman of faith. She followed Jesus, walking with the disciples, sharing their demanding and wearisome journey — a journey which required, above all, fraternal love and mutual service.

At the marriage feast in Cana, Mary taught us to believe in her Son; at the foot of the Cross, she became Mother to all who believe; with them she experiences the joy of the Resurrection. United with the other disciples “in constant prayer,” she received the first gifts of the Spirit, who filled the earliest Christian community with apostolic zeal.

Mary brings the good news of salvation to all men and women. She is the woman who built relationships, not only within the inner circle of Jesus’ disciples, but, beyond that, with the people: with Elizabeth, with the bride and bridegroom in Cana, with the other women, and with Jesus’ “brothers.”

Carmelites see in the Virgin Mary, Mother of God and archetype of the Church, the perfect image of all that they want and hope to be. For this reason, Carmelites have always thought of Mary as the Patron of the Order, its Mother and Splendor; she is constantly before their eyes and in their hearts as “the Virgin Most Pure.” Looking to her, and living in spiritual intimacy with her, we learn to stand before God, and with one another, as the Lord’s brothers. Mary lives among us, as mother and sister, attentive to our needs; along with us she waits and hopes, suffers and rejoices.

The scapular is a sign of Mary’s permanent and constant motherly love for Carmelite brothers and sisters. By their devotion to the scapular, faithful to a tradition in the Order, especially since the 16th century, Carmelites express the loving closeness of Mary to the people of God; it is a sign of consecration to Mary, a means of uniting the faithful to the Order, and an effective and popular means of evangelization.

VIDEO: Feast Of Our Lady Of Mount Carmel (1927)

Ladder of Divine Ascent excerpt: Step 29- "Concerning Heaven on Earth"

12. But why say more? The dispassionate man no longer lives himself, but Christ lives in him (Gal. 2:20), as he says who fought the good fight, finished his course and kept the Faith (2 Tim. 4:7).

July 15, 2020  

(Heb 13:8) Jesus Christ, yesterday, and today: and the same for ever.

FATHER LONGENECKER TWEET: The divide is no longer between Catholic and Protestant, but between those who believe Christianity is a revealed religion that cannot adapt to the spirit of the age and those who believe it is a relative religion that MUST be adapted to the spirit of the age.

CATHOLIC CULTURE: Definition of Liberalism

The belief that the human person is the ultimate source of freedom and goodness, and so must be emancipated not only from restrictive political and social systems but from the Church, religion and even God Himself. Thus liberalism is above all a spiritual rebellion that is almost inevitably combined with Modernism.

Leaving theory aside for a moment, we might well seek to recognize the invariable marks of the “liberal” or the “progressive” in the rough and tumble of contemporary debate, including socio-political discourse. The liberal:
CRISIS MAGAZINE: Liberalism Is a Sin

: Regina Prophetarum: The Church and The Libertarian

Any form of the ideology of liberalism is opposed to Christ the King and His Kingdom. Liberalism in philosophy is condemned for it leads to rationalism. Liberalism is politics is irreconcilable with Christ and the Church for it leads to laicism and secular humanism. Liberalism in religion leads to religious indifferentism which clashes with the rightful claims of Christ and the Catholic Church of having a monopoly on all saving truth and saving grace. And yes, liberalism in economics, including libertarianism, often leads to the promotion of greed. Classic liberalism is still the plain old error of liberalism and the Church is anti-liberal in her very nature.


27. In faith and in the teaching of morality, God Himself made the Church a partaker of His divine authority, and through His heavenly gift she cannot be deceived. She is therefore the greatest and most reliable teacher of mankind, and in her swells an inviolable right to teach them. Sustained by the truth received from her divine Founder, the Church has ever sought to fulfill holily the mission entrusted to her by God; unconquered by the difficulties on all sides surrounding her, she has never ceased to assert her liberty of teaching, and in this way the wretched superstition of paganism being dispelled, the wide world was renewed unto Christian wisdom. Now, reason itself clearly teaches that the truths of divine revelation and those of nature cannot really be opposed to one another, and that whatever is at variance with them must necessarily be false. Therefore, the divine teaching of the Church, so far from being an obstacle to the pursuit of learning and the progress of science, or in any way retarding the advance of civilization, in reality brings to them the sure guidance of shining light. And for the same reason it is of no small advantage for the perfecting of human liberty, since our Saviour Jesus Christ has said that by truth is man made free: "You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."(9) Therefore, there is no reason why genuine liberty should grow indignant, or true science feel aggrieved, at having to bear the just and necessary restraint of laws by which, in the judgment of the Church and of reason itself, human teaching has to be controlled.

28, The Church, indeed - as facts have everywhere proved - looks chiefly and above all to the defense of the Christian faith, while careful at the same time to foster and promote every kind of human learning. For learning is in itself good, and praiseworthy, and desirable; and further, all erudition which is the outgrowth of sound reason, and in conformity with the truth of things, serves not a little to confirm what we believe on the authority of God. The Church, truly, to our great benefit, has carefully preserved the monuments of ancient wisdom; has opened everywhere homes of science, and has urged on intellectual progress by fostering most diligently the arts by which the culture of our age is so much advanced. Lastly, we must not forget that a vast field lies freely open to man's industry and genius, containing all those things which have no necessary connection with Christian faith and morals, or as to which the Church, exercising no authority, leaves the judgment of the learned free and unconstrained.

29. From all this may be understood the nature and character of that liberty which the followers of liberalism so eagerly advocate and proclaim. On the one hand, they demand for themselves and for the State a license which opens the way to every perversity of opinion; and on the other, they hamper the Church in divers ways, restricting her liberty within narrowest limits, although from her teaching not only is there nothing to be feared, but in every respect very much to be gained.

30. Another liberty is widely advocated, namely, liberty of conscience. If by this is meant that everyone may, as he chooses, worship God or not, it is sufficiently refuted by the arguments already adduced. But it may also be taken to mean that every man in the State may follow the will of God and, from a consciousness of duty and free from every obstacle, obey His commands. This, indeed, is true liberty, a liberty worthy of the sons of God, which nobly maintains the dignity of man and is stronger than all violence or wrong - a liberty which the Church has always desired and held most dear. This is the kind of liberty the Apostles claimed for themselves with intrepid constancy, which the apologists of Christianity confirmed by their writings, and which the martyrs in vast numbers consecrated by their blood. And deservedly so; for this Christian liberty bears witness to the absolute and most just dominion of God over man, and to the chief and supreme duty of man toward God. It has nothing in common with a seditious and rebellious mind; and in no title derogates from obedience to public authority; for the right to command and to require obedience exists only so far as it is in accordance with the authority of God, and is within the measure that He has laid down. But when anything is commanded which is plainly at variance with the will of God, there is a wide departure from this divinely constituted order, and at the same time a direct conflict with divine authority; therefore, it is right not to obey.

31. By the patrons of liberalism, however, who make the State absolute and omnipotent, and proclaim that man should live altogether independently of God, the liberty of which We speak, which goes hand in hand with virtue and religion, is not admitted; and whatever is done for its preservation is accounted an injury and an offense against the State. Indeed, if what they say were really true, there would be no tyranny, no matter how monstrous, which we should not be bound to endure and submit to.

32. The Church most earnestly desires that the Christian teaching, of which We have given an outline, should penetrate every rank of society in reality and in practice; for it would be of the greatest efficacy in healing the evils of our day, which are neither few nor slight, and are the off spring in great part of the false liberty which is so much extolled, and in which the germs of safety and glory were supposed to be contained. The hope has been disappointed by the result. The fruit, instead of being sweet and wholesome, has proved cankered and bitter. If, then, a remedy is desired, let it be sought for in a restoration of sound doctrine, from which alone the preservation of order and, as a consequence, the defense of true liberty can be confidently expected.

Ladder of Divine Ascent excerpt: Step 29- "Concerning Heaven on Earth"

9. That soul has dispassion which is immersed in the virtues as the passionate are in pleasures.

July 13, 2020  

(Mat 26:67-68) Then did they spit in his face and buffeted him. And others struck his face with the palms of their hands, Saying: Prophesy unto us, O Christ. Who is he that struck thee?

MARK MALLET BLOG: Unmasking the Plan

: Masked Faces and the Holy Face

The news ripped through my computer like an electrical shock. In the midst of the lockdown, through my parish’s daily Mass uploaded to YouTube, the father of a former student was announced among the sick in need of prayers. A few days later, I learned in the same manner that Joe Senior had died. I sought in vain to find news; there was no wake, funeral, or public obituary, and my inquiry to the parish went unanswered. I knew Joe Senior from the four years I taught his son; the two even shared the spoils of their hunting trip with my family so many years ago. My heart ached for both of them, and for Joe’s wife, whom I also got to know.

A few weeks later, as I assisted with seating for Sunday Mass (at 25 percent of church capacity), in walked Joe Junior with his mom. My eyes locked on hers, and I felt my face curl in sympathy. Yet my expression went unanswered, or so it seemed. A mask concealed my face from her, and hers from me. We could not embrace. I attempted to express my sorrow and learn what happened, but it was impossible to do so behind the voice-muffling mask. The strip of cloth that was protecting our health was, at the same time, sickening our souls. The masks created an awkward and painful moment.

This is not an argument against wearing masks to prevent the spread of coronavirus. We must do what we must do. It is, first, another reminder (the pandemic has been prolific in generating them) of something precious that we take for granted: facial expressions, which are the most quintessentially human of gestures. Like sacraments, they make visible the invisible yearnings of the heart, often before a single word forms on our lips. Whether in a moment of grief, triumph, or joy, countenance opens a window to the soul.

Masks, we hope, will become relics of an unforgettable year once COVID-19 is vanquished. For now, though, masks unwittingly alienate us from each other in the true sense of the word: they make us aliens, foreigners, from even our close friends. Masks have even transformed the casual smile toward a stranger, that simple, kindly, and almost reflexive gesture, into an odd stare. Cloaked faces hide our true selves, and form a barrier to fulfilling our vocation as men and women called to communion with each other in Jesus Christ.

My masked encounter also prompted me to think of a face that went uncovered despite threatening dangers: our Lord’s holy face, unprotected from the spittle and blows of His captors. There is a pious devotion, not as well known as it should be, to the holy face of Jesus that I had forgotten. I realized instantly that our current pandemic and civilizational crisis is the perfect impetus for taking it up.

An image of our Lord’s holy face is miraculously preserved on Veronica’s veil, now kept inside St. Peter’s Basilica. In the 1840s, as political revolution was sweeping Europe, our Lord revealed to Sister Marie de Saint-Pierre, a French Carmelite, that blasphemy and profanation of Sundays wounded His sacred heart like a “poisoned arrow.” Blasphemy, in particular, He likened to being cursed in His face.

He asked that we offer His holy face in prayer to God the Father in reparation and for the conversion of sinners. As antidote, He presented the “Golden Arrow” prayer to be recited daily, and, along it, this simple prayer: “Eternal Father, I offer Thee the adorable face of Thy beloved Son for the honor and glory of Thy Name, for the conversion of sinners and the salvation of the dying.”

Venerable Leo Dupont, a friend of Sister Marie, spread devotion to the holy face of Jesus in France, where miraculous healings attributed to the holy face began to occur. Pope Leo XIII approved the devotion, establishing the Archconfraternity of Reparation to the Holy Face of Jesus so Catholics worldwide could participate. Among the most enthusiastic was France’s Martin family, whose daughter, when she entered the Carmel, took the religious name Thérèse of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face.

The young saint composed her own beautiful prayer to the holy face of Jesus, one whose beginning is particularly apt for our times. “O Jesus . . . I venerate the sacred face whereon there once did shine the beauty and sweetness of the Godhead; but now it has become as it were the face of a leper! Nevertheless, under those disfigured features, I recognize Thine infinite love.”

The holy face of Jesus is the perfect locus of meditation for a nation whose medical and civic lives are at a crossroads. Our universal prayer right now, though coming from the depths of our hearts, is simple: Deliver us from evil. The only One who can do so goes unrecognized, masked from increasing numbers by sins of every kind. Only if we heed His command to make reparation for our sins and for those who dishonor Him will He repair us. And only when we are repaired first does our broader civic life have any chance of its own repair.

Veronica had neither office nor power. Yet her seemingly tiny gesture of compassion towards our Lord’s holy face remains impactful today, unlike any of the political actions of her day. As we gaze upon the holy face, let us remember that the only way to overcome our current alienation is through a greater love of God.

CHURCHPOP: The Power of Christ’s Holy Face: A Little-Known Chaplet for Battling God’s Enemies

Ladder of Divine Ascent excerpt: Step 29- "Concerning Heaven on Earth"

7. Purity too is called dispassion; and rightly, because it is the harbinger of the general resurrection and of the incorruption of the corruptible.

July 9, 2020  

(Eph 6:12-13) For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood; but against principalities and powers, against the rulers of the world of this darkness, against the spirits of wickedness in the high places. Therefore, take unto you the armour of God, that you may be able to resist in the evil day and to stand in all things perfect.


UNIVERSALIS SUMMARY:  Augustine Zhao Rong was one of the Chinese soldiers who escorted Bishop John Gabriel Taurin Dufresse to his execution. Moved by his patience, he asked to be baptized, and in due course was sent to the seminary and ordained a priest. He was arrested and savagely tortured. He died in 1815.  With him are celebrated 119 of his companions in martyrdom in China between 1648 and 1930 (including Bishop Dufresse).  Official persecution of Christians by the Emperors ceased in 1842, but violent anti-religious sentiments persisted, and in the Boxer Rebellion of 1900, Christians were particularly attacked and many thousands were killed.

ASIANEWS.IT: Jiangxi, the Yujiang Underground Church suffocated by persecution

: Christian family details crackdown on church in China

PERSECUTION.ORG: New State Department Report Highlights Persecution in China

FROM THE MAILBAGFather Rutler's Weekly Column

Stalin, killer of at least 20 million people, said “A single death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic.” In mid-nineteenth-century China, the civil war known as the Taiping Rebellion cost upwards of 30 million lives.

The feast of Saint Augustine Zhao Rong and his 119 companions, on July 9, is a reminder that the persecution of Christian missionaries and native Chinese, begun in the mid-17th century, continues into our time. Augustine had been a soldier assigned as a prison guard for the French missionary bishop, Louis Gabriel Dufresse, whose martyrdom in Chengdu moved Augustine to request baptism, after which he became a priest and was tortured and killed in 1815. Later, in the Boxer Rebellion, 30,000 Christians would be slaughtered.

There are magnificent witnesses in China today, among whose champions is Cardinal Zen, indomitable at the age of eighty-eight. The insouciance with which some timorous Western ecclesiastics have cast a blind eye to the persecution of the Catholics in China, will be remembered as a dark blot on the history of our time.

Mao killed at least 40 million. His “Cultural Revolution,” which executed upwards of 3 million, excited mobs of youths as agents of government repression. Monuments of ancient culture were destroyed. These included nearly 7,000 priceless works of art in the Temple of Confucius alone as part of the frenzied attack on the Four Olds: Old Customs, Old Habits, Old Culture, and Old Ideas.

In our own country, the debutantish radicalism of hysterical youths whose misguided idealism makes a venomous brew when mixed with poor education, is exploited by more sinister strategists. James Madison described such mobs as: “united and actuated by some common impulse of passion, or of interest, adverse to the rights of other citizens, or to the permanent and aggregate interests of the community.”

Young people eager to condemn the immorality of forebears, while exulting in their own undisciplined lives, recently pulled down a statue of Saint Junípero Serra. It evoked the attack on the Franciscan mission in Alta California on November 4, 1775, when 600 native warriors pierced the friar Father Luis Jayme with eighteen arrows as he called to them: “Love God, my children!”

Staff Sergeant David Bellavia, the one Iraqi combatant to receive the Medal of Honor, has said that our universities are turning out “Peter Pan” adolescents who would profit better if they joined the Army where they would be taught how to be men and women.

After the destruction of the statue of Saint Junípero Serra, the wise Archbishop of San Francisco did not engage in polemics. He simply went to the site of the vandalism and said the exorcism prayer of Saint Michael. “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” (Ephesians 6:12).

Ladder of Divine Ascent excerpt: Step 29- "Concerning Heaven on Earth"

6. There is a dispassionate man, and there is one who is more dispassionate than the dispassionate. The one strongly hates what is evil, but the other has an inexhaustible store of virtues.

July 8, 2020  

(Psa 57:2) Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me: for my soul trusteth in thee. And in the shadow of thy wings will I hope, until iniquity pass away.

FIRST THINGS: My Time in Prison by George Cardinal Pell

CHURCH MILITANT: America 'Demonically Oppressed According to Seasoned Exorcist

CHURCHPOP: 3 Priests Call For 40 Days of Prayer & Fasting to Drive Demonic Forces Out of America

On July 4, Fr. Bill Peckman, Fr. James Altman, and Fr. Richard Heilman announced their call for 40 days of prayer and fasting to cast demonic influence from our nation.

Doug Barry’s U.S. Grace Force initiative sponsors the effort.

“Through acts of reparation, fasting, penance, charity, and prayer (both personal and sacramental), we call upon the power of God to release ourselves, our families, our parishes, our dioceses, and our nation from all demonic influence and oppression,” the release says.

The group calls the effort “Let Freedom Ring: 40 Days to Freedom From the Devil,” beginning July 7 and ending Aug. 15. The three priests will provide a reflection each of the 40 days, as well as a specific litany and prayer of exorcism. They also suggest acts of reparation, while considering the person’s state in life.

Acts of reparation include the daily rosary, regular exercise, fasting from sweets, etc.

Fr. Peckman also invited his parishioners to participate.

“Just think what our parishioners could be and become if we marshaled our forces and took the 40 days between July 7 and August 15 to pray for deliverance and a fullness of God’s blessings,” he said.

“This is a national movement of which I am a part of in order to more than complain about the state we find ourselves in, but to use the grace of God to make a real and lasting change.”

Ladder of Divine Ascent excerpt: Step 29- "Concerning Heaven on Earth"

4. Some say, moreover, that dispassion is the resurrection of the soul before the body; but others, that it is the perfect knowledge of God, second only to that of the angels.

July 6, 2020  

(Joh 16:33) These things I have spoken to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you shall have distress. But have confidence. I have overcome the world.

Actually I am a Christian, and indeed a Roman Catholic, so that I do not expect ‘history’ to be anything but a ‘long defeat’— though it contains (and in legend may contain more clearly and movingly) some samples or glimpses of final victory.
— J.R.R. Tolkien

: Christ has Overcome the World

THE CATHOLIC THING: Credit to the Man

ACN: In 2019, ACN raised $119M, funding 5,230 projects in 139 countries

In 2019, AID TO THE CHURCH IN NEED (ACN), which has 23 national offices and more than 330,000 individual donors around the world, raised $119M for the benefit of suffering and persecuted Christians worldwide.

Some 80.4 percent of the funds was spent on three areas ACN considers to be the pillars of its mission: Giving direct financial support via aid projects; providing information about the plight of Christians around the world; and encouraging Christians in the West to pray for their suffering brothers and sisters.

In 2019, ACN sponsored 5,230 projects, responding to a broad range of needs in 139 different countries, above all in Africa and the Middle East. The total spent on projects in the field—supporting 1,162 dioceses—was $85M.

ACN continued its support for the formation of seminarians and members of religious congregations, aid the the organization regards as crucial for the future of the Church. Thanks to this program, more than 13,000 women religious were able to continue their service to the poorest and most vulnerable people under their care. ACN supported the studies of more than 16,200 seminarians around the world—one in every seven worldwide. Together, these programs accounted for some 16 percent of the aid allocated last year.

Last year, ACN funded the purchase of 266 cars, 119 motorbikes, 266 bicycles, four buses, three trucks and 12 small vessels to facilitate the pastoral mission of the Church by land and sea in many remote and difficult regions, for example in Brazil, Burundi, India and Madagascar.

There are some 200 million Christians around the world who are unable to practice their faith freely, and there are more than 80 countries in the world where the fundamental right to religious liberty is not guaranteed. Christians are persecuted, oppressed, or discriminated against in more than 40 countries.

ACN also invited victims of persecution and leaders of local Churches suffering hardships to speak at international meetings, events and conferences. They were given a platform so that they could give personal testimony about situations that are often unknown to, or ignored by, the West.

In the realm of prayer, one initiative worth mentioning among many others is the Rosary Campaign, “A Million Children Praying the Rosary” for unity and peace in the world. On Oct. 18, 2019, with the support of Pope Francis and by getting the word out through social media, hundreds of schools, parishes, religious communities and countless families in more than 80 countries around the world joined together in this campaign of prayer—united in the conviction that in addition to concrete practical aid, prayer and faith are ultimately most vital to the healing of the world.

Despite the economic damage caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, ACN looks to keep up the level of support for the suffering Church in 2020. Although this is a great challenge, the needs in many countries have greatly increased. Since April 2020, ACN has already allocated $5.5M for the support of priests and women religious, and those they serve, in some of the poorest countries. Additional emergency aid programs helping Christians suffering from the fall-out of the pandemic— notably in Syria and Pakistan—are underway.

LINK TO DONATE TO ACN:;jsessionid=00000000.app330b?df_id=10316&mfc_pref=T&10316.donation=form1&NONCE_TOKEN=7CDB2E3470CD06180FB3E8ADA9E5A936

Ladder of Divine Ascent excerpt: Step 29- "Concerning Heaven on Earth"

3. And so he is pre-eminently dispassionate, and is recognized as dispassionate, who has made his flesh incorruptible, who has raised his mind above creatures and has subdued all his senses to it, and who keeps his soul before the face of the Lord, ever reaching out to Him even beyond his strength.

July 3, 2020  

(Pro 24:24-25) They that say to the wicked man: Thou art just: shall be cursed by the people, and the tribes shall abhor them. They that rebuke him shall be praised: and a blessing shall come upon them.

PADRE PIO ON ABORTION: “I would like to strew these parents with the ashes of their destroyed fetuses” “Those ashes should be thrown in the brazen faces of murderous parents.” “Those who practice abortion and who turn to subterfuge and sophisms in order to remain within the limits of the Catholic Church, are poor people who are deceiving themselves, and are very similar to the remains of Pompeii . . . I pity nobody more than these.”

ED. CONDON BLOG: On John Roberts, who loves his children

ANALYSIS: What’s next for the Supreme Court and abortion?

CNA: Catholic bishop: bill changes would leave UK with ‘most extreme abortion legislation in Europe’


Is there a central Cause for the chaos around us today?

We're not speaking of a sole cause, but of one very big central one.

Brothers & Sisters, how many answers about the question above do you think you would get from the people you run into on the street in your city, town, farming community - your own relatives, or even your local Parish/church or Pastor?

We all know there would be a rash of different answers. And that is part of the problem. Some would say abandonment of God, abandonment of the God-Man Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Some would say, ‘Pride, pride goes before the fall’. Some would say it is the abandonment of morals while we as a culture and society are immersed in pure materialism - seeking a life of ease and pleasure. Some would even say racism. Others would try to tell you it is all about economic inequality. Some would simply say it has been, and is, the refusal of mankind to repent of their sins and convert. [Each one of us could continue this list 'ad nauseam'. Couldn't we?]

But is there one big sin, one direct rejection of God’s law above or under all the others – which wraps more people up in themselves, blinding them in their ability to see they are sinners, to ask for God’s forgiveness and to seek conversion of heart?

On the rare occasion that I express a personal opinion, by habit, I label it as such. This one is such an opinion - which is based upon some serious outside evidence, yes. But it is nevertheless a personal opinion - about which I personally have very little doubt. And it is nothing new.

I believe it is sins of impurity – of all kinds. This was first attested to by Our Lady of Fatima to the three children there in 1917. She showed the children a vision of hell and told them:

“"More souls go to Hell because of sins of the flesh than for any other reason."  She additionally added, "Certain fashions will be introduced that will offend Our Lord very much." … "Woe to women lacking in modesty."

On July 13, 1917 the Blessed Virgin unveiled at Fatima a terrifying reality before the three children's eyes. Lucia recounts: ‘Our Lady showed us a great sea of fire, which seemed to be under the earth. Plunged in this fire were demons and souls, in human form, like transparent burning embers, all blackened or burnished bronze, floating about in this conflagration in clouds of smoke, lifted by flames coming out of their bodies. They rose and fell on all sides, like sparks in roaring fires, without weight or direction, amid shrieks and groans of pain and despair that terrified us and made us tremble with fear. The demons could be distinguished by their terrifying and repellent likeness to frightful and unknown animals, black and transparent like burning coals. This vision lasted but a moment, thanks to our good Mother from Heaven who had warned us beforehand, and promised to take us to Heaven. Otherwise, I think we would have died of horror and fear. Then we raised our eyes to Our Lady, who said with kindness and sadness: 'You have seen Hell, where the souls of poor sinners go. To save them, God wishes to establish in the world devotion to My Immaculate Heart. If people do what I am going to tell you, many souls will be saved and there will be peace.”

That is the end of Lucia’s description of the vision – with the ending in which Our Lady told the children that mankind must convert to save huge numbers of souls from going to hell – especially from the sins of impurity. But is that the only downside? No. Our Lady added that if men did not repent – there would be massive world and civil war, disease, famine, civil unrest, suffering, etc. Sins of impurity are not the only cause of our current worldwide chaos. But in considering Our Lady’s words, it is my opinion that it is a logical conclusion the major cause of the chaos is sins of impurity.


St. Augustine speaks of women going to Pharmakei (poisoners who prescribed herbs which killed the egg in a women) and Magei (workers of incantations and spells and also poisoners) to avoid pregnancy. He writes that when they got pregnant anyway, then they went back to the pharmakei (poisoner) to purchase herbs which would kill the baby. And when that failed, they would leave the baby out on a street or in a garbage heap to die of exposure.

See how much things have changed since then? [Right?]


Condoms made of animal and fish skins were used starting back in the Renaissance. In the mid-19th century, vulcanized rubber was discovered, leading to vulcanized rubber condoms. But they had a very high failure rate. World War I saw the deployment of condoms made of rubber, along with weapons and ammunition for the German army.  In the 1920s, latex was invented. Latex was the discovery that transformed condoms into what they are today. By 1927 they were being mass marketed in the Western World.

On Dec. 31, 1930. Pope Pius XI issued his Papal Encyclical. ‘Castii Conubii’, on Christian Marriage. Therein, he denounced contraception as a grave sin against God’s law. He listed the greatest evils which would result from a broad acceptance and usage of such contraceptive methods. In part he wrote, “…that a great number of men, forgetful of that divine work of redemption, either entirely ignore or shamelessly deny the great sanctity of Christian wedlock, or relying on the false principles of a new and utterly perverse morality, too often trample it under foot. And since these most pernicious errors and depraved morals have begun to spread even amongst the faithful and are gradually gaining ground, in Our office as Christ's Vicar upon earth and Supreme Shepherd and Teacher, We consider it Our duty to raise Our voice to keep the flock committed to Our care from poisoned pastures and, as far as in Us lies, to preserve it from harm.”

He points out the central theme of the promoters of condoms, “To begin at the very source of these evils, their basic principle lies in this, that matrimony is repeatedly declared to be not instituted by the Author of nature nor raised by Christ the Lord to the dignity of a true sacrament, but invented by man.” Well, has this view come to be commonly accepted? Guess what, the shared object of Hillary Clinton and Black Lives Matter and LGBT is to disable ‘The Nuclear Family’, destroy the concept that the family is the central core unity of society.

Pius XI points out that the greatest danger to the common acceptance of the ideas and methods of the promoters of contraception lead to, “… the taking of the life of the offspring hidden in the mother's womb.” Yes, he fully understood the link between contraception and abortion – just as Augustine and many others before him did – and he now quotes Augustine in this matter of the direct connection between contraception and abortion. Pius XI points out that widespread acceptance of contraception will lead to the breakup of marriages and children raised without a father in the home. [Almost ninety years ago he clearly saw the plague of the single parent families of today .]

Fifteen years after Castii Conubii, World War II was just ending. Every Catholic who attended Mass regularly now saw in the pews (as I did as a boy) the stark reality of the three classes of families. A) There are those with no children – mostly composed of those who could have no children of their own, B) Those who have on average two children (usual maximum 3), C) And those with clearly larger families who took up much of a pew by themselves.

By the mid 1950’s the difference is even clearer. The large families make up only 10 to 15 percent of the congregation. But the vast majority of Catholics are in the 1950’s still horrified at the idea of abortion.

In 1962, the infamous ‘Pill’ is introduced and a rapidly increasing percentage of Catholic girls in college and university are giving in to boys’ demands that they have intercourse with them prior to marriage. Most of the girls who gave in most quickly after introduction of the pill, were those raised by contracepting mothers – mothers who had indoctrinated their daughters into greeting contraception with open arms.

Central cause: The hierarchy generally failed to present the contents of Castii Conubii to the faithful. They did not insist that their seminaries teach the future priests the truth about contraception, which teaching goes back to the Infant Church. I was raised in a broad spectrum of parochial venues. That ignorance was an almost universal problem by the 1950’s.

In 1968, Pope Paul VI introduces his Encyclical, ‘Humanae Vitae” – On Human Life. Therein, he expands the previous teaching of Pope Pius XI and predicts in even graver language all of the social and societal ills which already exist and will further develop from widespread usage of contraception. He brilliantly predicts as a result the development of a trashy culture which will treat women as sex toys to satisfy the lusts of men, as objects to be used and then thrown away. Worst of all, thousands of priests and nuns publicly, mindlessly, denounced Paul VI and Humanae Vitae.

Do any of us need a crystal ball to see the fallout from widespread acceptance of Contraception in the 20th century? They are amongst other ills; broken homes, emotionally unstable children and grandchildren, single parent families raising boys, many if not most of whom will turn out to be run-away fathers. Lastly, the decline of a stable society (due to so many males dropping out of school, who subsequently only know gangs, drugs and prison. And, let’s not forget the homicidal Planned Parenthoods of this world. And, let's not forget the ultimate perversion caused by a lack of teaching about the only licit purpose of sex, the procreative and unitive purposes of one man and one women in marriage - LGBT - homosexual unions.

These are only highlights of the subject of the result of widespread contraception. And, yes, it is my opinion that sins of the flesh, sins of impurity are the ‘major’ cause of our national, societal, and familial problems today. And Our Lady predicted, at Fatima, what would happen if mankind did not repent of and convert from such sins. Instead, mankind in general has gone downhill into the moral sewage and social carnage predicted for such a sexually perverted generation.

It is the crux of the current chaos.

Ladder of Divine Ascent excerpt: Step 29- "Concerning Heaven on Earth"

2. The firmament has the stars for its beauty, and dispassion has the virtues for its adornments; for by dispassion, I mean nothing other than the Heaven of the mind within the heart, which regards the wiles of the demons as mere pranks.

July 1, 2020  

(Amo 4:11-12)  "I overthrew some of you, as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomor'rah, and you were as a brand plucked out of the burning; yet you did not return to me," says the LORD. Therefore thus I will do to you, O Israel; because I will do this to you, prepare to meet your God, O Israel!"

VIDEO HOMILY: Father Altier: Beware of False Prophets

ROMANCATHOLICMAN.COM: We Speak the Truth With Charity and Let the Consequences Come

Two names have been on the forefront of my mind in the past few days: Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Clemens Von Galen. Both were churchmen during the rise of Adolf Hitler in Germany. Bonhoeffer was a Lutheran minister and Von Galen was the Catholic Bishop of Munster in Germany. Both saw a bad moon rising which would both destroy their homeland and would turn their homeland into a geographical serial killer which would be awash in blood. Both were despondent at the silence or complicity of their brother clerics in the face of National Socialism. Both took very public and dangerous stands against Hitler, knowing it could very well cost them everything. Von Galen knew that Hitler very much intended to do to the Catholic Church what he had done to the Jewish population. Bonhoeffer knew that were Lutheranism allowed to exists at all, it would a puppet of the state. Both figured it was better to die a free man than live a long life in cowardice or complicity. Bonhoeffer was one of the last executions ordered by Hitler as the Soviet Army neared the bunker. Von Galen died soon after WWII was over, having seen his worst fears about his country realized.

I can’t help but feel that with recent uprising that one day the clergy of this country will be at the same crossroads. It could be argued that we are already there and have been for some time. Since the sexual revolution and all that came with it, from abortion to birth control to most every conceivable abuse of human sexuality, our clergy has fallen into three camps: silence, complicity, and courage. When we look at the devastation that happened within the Church with the sexual scandals and cover ups, we can see how silence and complicity are little more than tools of the devil. When we see public Catholic voice more and more indistinguishable from the secular voice, we again see the devastation rendered by the silent and complicit. Such silence and complicity are a major contributory factor in the terminal illness we see the Church undergoing in this country.

For more than a few years, I have written with all due charity to try to insert how the love of God is the true answer to what ails us. I know many columns could very well be used against me were an authoritarian state to rise. I have had the same attitude as Bonhoeffer and Van Galen (though I dare not put my writings as remotely equal to such giants) in that we speak the truth with charity and let the consequences come.

The prophet Jeremiah lays heavy on me as well. He was given the task of calling back the people of Judah from the brink of disaster and the destruction of Judah and Jerusalem. The people would not listen: not the king, not the priests, not the Levites, nor the people. No one, save Jeremiah, challenged the infidelity of Judah as they worshipped idols. The complicit and cowardly priests and Levites persecuted him. As did the royal court. Jeremiah persists because God wanted the people to be saved. As we hear in 1st Reading from today’s Scriptures, the consequence inevitably comes and Jerusalem and the Temple are destroyed.

Those who carry on the prophetic message must do so because they know that the current course leads to destruction. To be a Jeremiah, a Bonhoeffer, or a Von Galen requires a deep love for God and for one’s flock and a desperate desire to not see that flock destroyed even as they skip happily and unwittingly to their own destruction.

Parents, you have such a call within your homes. Will you call your children to silence, complicity, or courage? Pastors of souls, we have the same question placed before us. Assuredly we run the risk of persecution and suffering for adhering to the truth, but is not better to live shortly as a free person than live long as a slave to the passions and to authoritarianism? How will history judge us? How will God judge us?

RENEWALMINISTRIES.NET: Fr. Michael Scanlan’s 1976 Prophecy

Son of man, do you see that city going bankrupt? Are you willing to see all your cities going bankrupt? Are you willing to see the bankruptcy of the whole economic system you rely on now so that all money is worthless and cannot support you?

Son of man, do you see the crime and lawlessness in your city streets, and towns, and institutions? Are you willing to see no law, no order, no protection for you except that which I myself will give you?

Son of man, do you see the country which you love and which you are now celebrating—a country’s history that you look back on with nostalgia? Are you willing to see no country—no country to call your own except those I give you as my body? Will you let me bring you life in my body and only there?

Son of man, do you see those churches which you can go to so easily now? Are you ready to see them with bars across their doors, with doors nailed shut? Are you ready to base your life only on me and not on any particular structure? Are you ready to depend only on me and not on all the institutions of schools and parishes that you are working so hard to foster?

Son of man, I call you to be ready for that. That is what I am telling you about. The structures are falling and changing—it is not for you to know the details now—but do not rely on them as you have been. I want you to make a deeper commitment to one another. I want you to trust one another, to build an interdependence that is based on my Spirit. It is an interdependence that is no luxury. It is an absolute necessity for those who will base their lives on me and not the structures from a pagan world. I have spoken and it will take place. My word will go forth to my people. They may hear and they may not—and I will respond accordingly—but this is my word.

Look about you, son of man. When you see it all shut down, when you see everything removed which has been taken for granted, and when you are prepared to live without these things, then you will know what I am making ready.

Ladder of Divine Ascent excerpt: Step 29- "Concerning Heaven on Earth"

1. Here are we who lie in the deepest pit of ignorance, in the dark passions of this body and in the shadow of death, having the temerity to begin to philosophize about Heaven on earth.
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