


My name is Daryl Melton and I am 52 years old. I have been Catholic since my birth by the love of God and my parents. My faith has been developed from the baptismal seed through the love I experienced at home and through the patience and generosity of innumerable priests and nuns that were my school teachers.

With all the mess we see around us, my faith has allowed me to see that these negatives are not from God, but that he does permit them to test us and give us the opportunities to show him the only thing worthwhile, love of God and neighbor.

Because of God's love for me and my family, we have been permitted to know and come close to His mother, our mother Mary. We do not deserve these blessings but God has granted them to us for His own purposes.

Over a three year period between 1995 and 1997, my wife, Linda, and I were fortunate to be able to visit Lourdes three times, Fatima, and Medjugorge once each. These visits were made possible because I had a sudden job change within my company that brought me to Europe regularly to work with customers. But immediately following our visit to Medjugorge, I was offered another position and my wife and I were moved to Ogden, Utah where I am now managing an office for the company.

We have been truly humbled by these experiences, and the discernment of what God wills for us now has been difficult. BUT we trust and we believe in his love and mercy each day, especially when some days are a bit rough. This is why I and my wife are Catholic. Our Catholicity allows us to give back to the Blessed Trinity our love, the only thing God asks from any of us for the love and generosity he continues to shower on this world that continues to deny Him.

May the peace and love of the Sacred and Immaculate Hearts of Jesus and Mary be accepted by all people soon.

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